A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Invasion of the BUGS

Does anyone else just want to murder all these little evil bugs????
THEY BITE and it hurts!


  1. barf, there was one in my hair yesterday.

  2. There was one on my neck the other day and they like to run into me. One would think a little thing like that could see the big human walking and move an inch out of the way. Sheesh. Go back to Asia you Asian beetles. hehe

  3. I had one crawling on my face while at the puter yesterday. He went flying, not on his own. BUG OFF

  4. yeh, go back to your home ya stupid bugs! why are you coming here from Asia? Go invade the homes there for a change! I killed two on my ceiling last night, ick ick.

  5. I feel much empathy for you Kelsey.

  6. You need to update cuz me no likey the sick Asian beetle.

  7. agreed..i like flowers without beetles on them
