A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Despite the weather....

Memorial Day... Honoring and remembering those who have served and are currently
 serving in the armed forced, thank you for protecting our country!

Memorial weekend ....
The guys go fishin'  well if that's what you want to call it
 On Saturday, my oldest took this one of his dad and little brother out on the boat....fishing?
This picture was actually taken last year. My dad in the red shirt and hat, then my hubby, big brother, little brother, brother-in-love,  oldest nephew, nephew-in-love, oldest son, youngest son, 
and my two youngest nephews on the end.  
Yep, every Memorial weekend they hang out together and leave us girls home to fend for ourselves.

This year my sister and her daughter came down to mom's house here in Rochester, I picked up Audrey and we made the trip over to the old Concord cemetery, where my mom's family is buried.
(My daughter had to work so she didn't get to join us girls)

My mom's cousin Lester happened to be there at the same time, cleaning around his parents tomb stone.  (to the left is Lester and my mom's grandparents and also Mom's parents, 
along with many other family that have died). 
Both sets of my great-grandparents are buried next to each other.

The girls (2nd cousins) wanted to stop at the old park in West Concord, it's the same play equipment I used to play on when I was a kid. The "Thomas Reunion" was always held here. 

It rained off and on all day making it for a sloppy day but we found time to be outside when we could. 
Back at mom's house to let my sister's dog out to run and play with the ball.

 My niece Jensen and granddaughter Audrey. 
Audrey is thinking she's pretty cool to be hanging out with her big cousin.
Jumping from the rope swing at great-grandma's house 
My sister giving Audrey a backwards hug, when it was time to go.
 Looks like Ruby is a little jealous :)

I was glad to get my boys back last night, 
I don't do to well when my hubby is gone. At bedtime, my bedroom door gets locked, the bedside light stays on all night along with the little TV next to my bed, and I have a 8" butcher knife on the bedside table....just in case!


  1. Jackie, I just love how close your family is and how you spend the holidays together. The photo of all the "men folk" is so cool! You have the best photos!
    It's nice when my husband gets away, but I'm like you (night time is not so fun). I'm always ready for him to come back!

    1. We do have a good time together and luckily all live in MN...we are blessed that way :) It was good to get my guy back home!

  2. So many memorable family photos here that capture the love you have for one another. I love Audrey's diva pose for the camera. And the boys "fishing." And how many fish did they bring home?

    Yup, the few times Randy has been absent overnight, I don't like it either. I don't sleep with a knife or anything. I just don't like him being gone. Good thing he does not need to travel as part of a job.

    Looks like you had a wonderful weekend despite the rain. I miss visiting the cemetery, something I did every Memorial Day while growing up.

  3. That's funny that you noticed the "Diva pose", so did I....Hand on the hip, foot tipped up a bit, boy she's really something else :)
    The boys caught a few fish but fried them up for supper the last night up north, not enough to bring home. Oh well, that's fine with me, I dont like fish....at all!

  4. Anonymous3:03 PM

    The butcher knife bit makes me giggle.

    1. But it's no laughing matter Jac', My imagination grows when RIck's not by my side :)
