A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween to all of you fromall of us. Posted by Picasa

Gavin's pumpkin Posted by Picasa


Daddy's girl Posted by Picasa
Lets see if I can remember what we did this weekend. Well.....Friday night Rick and I went to the movie, Zorro. It was ok, seemed kinda like a disney movie. Saturday Morning i called Brianna to chat (cuz I missed her). She decided to come home around 6pm . Yay! We took her and Chris out for supper at Timberlodge, it was yummy, then after that Chris and Her went to a play at RCTC. Sunday morning we went to church, then off to the mall for lunch. I called Brice from the mall (cuz I missed him) He had attempted to call Brie's phone during church so I thought I'd chat with him and see what he was up to. Here's Brice's exact words, "Well, I'm driving down 94, eating a burrito, talking on the cell phone and fiddling with my stereo". I wasn't at all worried I knew he could handle it :) (Brice is a multi-tasker.)
A few minutes later, he said, "well I better go now cuz I'm coming to my exit and I'm not sure how I'm gonna do it". ( I suppose, a cell phone in one hand an burrito in the other and and manual transmission, doesnt mix all that well.) So I had to let him go. It was good to hear his voice and even better to know he's doing great and loves it in St. paul.
A little later we went to Jill's 14th B-day party, for which Brianna was able to come also. YIP
It was a nice party. Jill now has the record for "Java detour" gift certificates received all at once. $ 35.00 worth....WOW, Jill let's go out for a coffee...You buy.

Anyway That was the weekend in a nutshell. Today, Gavin has his first appointment of 3 in the process of getting his braces on. Oh what a glorius day, I'm sure Gavin will agree.


Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Tube

There once was a girl. Lets just say her name was Megan. Megan was a sweet and proper young lady of 22. She was from a small town in the Northern parts of the United States. In her senior year of studies, Megan felt the need to spread her wings and broaden her perspective in life so She went to study "abroad" for a semester in England. One of Megan favorite things to do in London was to ride the "tube" at night. It was always so hot and packed with people which made the ride most enjoyable. While On the "tube" Megan would search for just the right guy and she would lock onto him with her sparkling eyes. When his eyes met hers she would give him "the look", this went on and on with occasional glimpses until it was Megan's departure point. When The "tube" slowly came to a stop she would, give him one more "look" and then scurrey off the "tube". Outside, while ("minding the gap") she would then look for him through the clear glass window, When their eyes connected she gave him that cute little shy smile as the "Tube" Sped Off. She would watch until she could no longer see him, knowing full well she would never see him again. She wandered back to her flat and pondered the events of the day, wondering what He was doing now.
This is the truest story you'll ever read. I just happened to talk to my Niece Megan today. She was on her Microphone so I could REALLY hear her sweet voice....Fun. All I could do was type. She just also happens to be studying in London. The rest of the story.......... Could it be that it has anything to do with my Niece Megan????? Only megan and I really know. hee Hee

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Most everyday in the morning I sit down and do some kind of devotion. I found these cool little study books at Sam's Club that I've been doing for at least a year. They are study guide's from the Women of Faith conference, which I have attended for the last 3 years. Each book has a topic such as, encouraging other's, prayer, managing your moods, living above worry etc. They offer a wealth of information that apply to OUR everyday lives. I have decided that once a week I will devote a blog to something that has touched me. Sometimes it's like bursting inside of me, I've learned so many great things. I would just like to share one small thing that has helped me every week.
After each lesson in the book the writer leaves a "picture" to remind us of what we have learned. Visuals always help me to remember what I've learned so I will be doing that also.
Since this is my on-line Journal (blog) I guess I feel the need to share what Gods teaches me so that someone else might see his glory, and be encouraged.
But...... Never fear, I will continue to also entertain you,(my "blogger companions") as often as my little mind can come up with stuff, being a blog-a-holic, I dont think anything will change...... Now go and start combing out those tangles :)


A comb
When We start feeling alot of stress in our busy everyday crazy lives, we also get crazy tangled up emotions.
This is your cue to call upon th Lord to work through your "Rat's nest" that is building in your soul.
He WILL untangle your fears, tame your anger and, calm the unruliness(is that a word) in you life.
What you will be left with is a peace inside and out, a gentle spirit that is pecious in His sight.
Aahhhhhhhhhhh isnt that good to know! Get that comb out and start "WORKING IT" it girlfriend :)

Monday, October 24, 2005

Home cooking

I got three new pictures below for you all to take a look a look at. Pictures of my favorite boys :)
Hunter an Chris Pearson came over for supper tonight. We had meatloaf, Baked potatoes and corn, They ate and ate and ate. It was kinda fun fixing a big home cooked meal for they college boys. Rick and Gavin thought it was pretty nice too :)
The next picture is the boys up at Brice's last week. They went to a concert on Wednesday night and then spent the night with Brice and Logan. Dont ya love those mustaches.
Then we got Hunter and Joel Hardy all dressed up. They had just been to some hotel that had some people looking for models/actors of something like that. I think Hunter and Joel will be noticed and be on their way to Hollywood soon. They showed up at the mall after church on Sunday, We got quite a chuckle.
Dont have much else to say, scroll down to checkout the pictures.

Look who came for supper Posted by Picasa

Very nice, boys Posted by Picasa

A couple of "hotties" Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I just thought this was kinda a cool picture of the inside of my wallet.
(Actually I wanted you all to see how rich we are.)

Saturday, October 22, 2005

So far, this weekend

Brianna and I made it back from the Women of Faith Conference in St. Paul. It was amazing as ususal. Lot of great speaker's and the singing was awesome. It was me, Brianna, Denise, cozy and Julie all in one room, we also hung out with Lana, whitney, Jessie and maureen, and Phyllis. It really was a fun time. It was fun spending time with my favorite friend Denise, but we never seem to have enough time to talk as much as we NEED to.

We dropped Gavin off at Brice's apartment to stay overnight, They seemed to have fun, they did alot of smerking and winking with nodding of the head at each other.....OK,... What were you two up to? Maybe I just dont want to know. We all went out for a nice dinner, and then got Brice back to his apartment so I could get Brianna home to study for her upcoming test on Monday. It's always so hard to leave Brice, I kinda feel like a sick feeling in my stomache. I really miss my boy, Tonight was hard......'tear, sadness :(

Now we are home and I got to hug my Ricky, and we caught up on our time apart. I think I did most of the talking. I'm now feeling tired (and sad) and think I'll just go to bed. It helps to have Brianna home, but she'll leave in the morning. I cherish everyday we get her home with us. Now I'm not as sad. Good thing Gavin will be around for a few more years, I told him maybe by the time he leaves home, we'll have grand kids. Wow, what a concept.....I like that idea, but i can definatley wait a few years :)

I posted some pictures from tonight below. Just random stuff. me and my pictures... what a nut I am

Awwwww sibling Love, it's so sweet :)

awwwww Posted by Picasa

Brianna, steering Gavin by the shoulder's

Brie and Gav Posted by Picasa

Our Kids

I pretty much Love you three.

I miss my Boy :(

leaving me again

Thursday, October 20, 2005

corderoy pants

For those of you who are jumping on me to update...coughBrianana, I'll have you know our computer was out of commission for about 24 hours, which seemed like a life-time to me. My wonderful, caring, adorable husband came home during his lunch hour today and did some "de-bugging" I should of had him de-bug the asian beetles in the kitchen too, oh well I felt I had to give the poor guy a break. Anyway, now I'm a happy camper again and have my computer in full operating order. YIP
Today was a decent day, I dragged Gavin shopping with me, it was like "Death" for him to have to go into Kohl's with me. I made him go because every time I pick out clothes for him and bring them home, he says he don't like it.....OR, He says he likes it but then never wears it. Here's how our conversation went in the Kohl's parking lot.....

ME "come on Gavin, you're going in with me, so you can actually try on the pants and see if you like them"

Gavin " No Mom, I don't wanna go, just get me a 34 X 32, You just pick um out...Please"

Me "Come on Gavin, your going in" Besides I want you to get some of those trendy shirts all the guys are wearing now."

Gavin "Well then we'd have to go to "American eagle", and besides, I dont wanna be trendy."

Me "awwww come on Gavin, I love those corderoy pants that are making it back, Brice has a pair you know...they're cool".

Gavin "Well....That's Brice"

Me "I know, but they're still cool, Come on Gavin lets go"........

We ended up with one pair of cotton kacki pants, AND I made Gavin try on a pair of corderoy pants, so that I could check the fit, so I could buy them for Brice. So I guess brice will maintain his "coolness factor". Oh, and No "trendy shirts" were bought. The battle will go on.....

Tonight rick and I went to a movie called, Serenity. I highly recommend it, awesome movie and you really need to see it on the big screen. It's a sci-fi space movie....good stuff.

Well It's 11:18 and I'm tired, I need to go to bed. Tomorrow Brie is coming home (pray for her car) and we will be taking off for the Women of faith conference at the Excel Center. Gavin is going up with us and staying the night with Brice, I'm sure they will have a great time, Not too great though brice.......NO CORRUPTION. Remember he's just a sweet little innocent guy (6'1"), so keep him that way........maybe you could talk him into buying a pair of corduroy pants..YIP

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Invasion of the BUGS

Does anyone else just want to murder all these little evil bugs????
THEY BITE and it hurts!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Our Get-away

Just got back form a lovely weekend journey to "God's country", as my Dad would say. Rick and I had a lovely time at a Bed and Breakfast in Peterson MN. Friday night we biked on the root river trail to Rushford, then we had a little bite to eat there.
Our room at the B&B was lovely. We enjoyed the peace and quiet it offered us. Sunday morning we got up and enjoyed breakfast, then we took off for an adventure. First stop was Houston MN. We attended a little Evangelical church there that reminded me of church in the mid 70's, hymns from the hymnals, older people all dressed up in suits and dresses, An organist and pianist. There was only about 30 people there. They were all very friendly and welcomed us into their church. Then we went on to enjoy the colors of fall in the bluff country. We drove through Spring Grove, Mabel and Canton. We ventured off the main road in the direction of Henry Town which consists of a church and cemetery, The cemetery where my Grandparents and Great grand parents are buried. We then travel cross country back to the B&B, had lunch and then Rick took off for Lanesboro on his bike. I drove to Lanesboro and shopped until he arrived. It's a 14 mile journey. We set up our chairs and read in the park then waked around a bit until supper time. We ate at an outdoor restraunt which was delightful. It was chilly but the patio was lined with outdoor heaters. It was splendid. Then it was back to the B&B for games and relaxation. My friend Sharalyn might be happy to hear the "hot chocolate" was lovely. Thanks for asking :)
This morning we took our sweet time getting up, Had some breakfast and enjoyed talking to our host. Then it was off to Rushford for a game of golf for Rick. He played, I walked. It was a beautiful course, very hilly and plush. We decided to drive over to Winona and see if Brianna could join us for lunch, but she was at work ;(

She did run out quick for a hug and we supplied her with a diet coke and Chicken sandwich. The visit was short but sweet.
Now we are home and anxiously waiting for Gav to get home from Football. I missed my little boy. We were thankful that Chris was happy to hang out at the house with Gavin while we were away. Thanks Chris, you're the best. Sigh....It's good to be home :)

See my fun pictures below

THE CROSSING B&B Posted by Picasa

The Crossing B&B where we stayed for 2 nights Posted by Picasa

The "Farmers" Full moon over Peterson MN Posted by Picasa

The colors in Lansboro MN Posted by Picasa

I just love this picture Posted by Picasa

Monday morning Golf in Rushford MN Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 14, 2005

A tree

I dont know....... I just took this picture in the dark last night. I had my flash on so it illuminated the leaves. kinda pretty I thought. Tomorrow rick and I are going on a little rondevous in Peterson MN, to a Bed and Breakfast. Should be fun. It's suppose to be perfect weather so we will do a little biking on the trails and maybe do some shopping in nearby towns. We may even check out the theater in Lansboro. I'll be sure to update you all when we return. Yip

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Dont go look for pretty trees just yet.

I really have nothing much to say, but I know all you faithful Blogger reader's are checking my blog for an update so I shall do my best.
Yesterday was a fun day. My Mom and I went on our annual "look at pretty trees tour". Southeast Minn is definately not there yet, But I had the time off and we were afraid if we didnt go we might miss the colors....it's so tricky getting it just right. We went to Winona first, the bluffs were covered with fog even at noon, so we couldnt see a thing. But that's ok cuz we got to have lunch with Brianna and hang out for awhile....YIP. From Winona we headed up Hwy 61 to Wabasha, stopped at a bakery on main street and had a treat. I had the most delicious bran muffin in the whole world. I would like to go there again and buy a dozen of them. Yum Yum. Mom had a cookie, it was also very good. From Wabasha we ventured across the mighty Mississippi to the town of Nelson. We dropped in at the cheese place and loaded up on cheese curds and other goodies. Then we were back on the road heading north on 61 again. We stopped at an orchard which was a waste of our time, Who would spend 10.00 for a simple apple pie???? Not I, said the duck.
We decided to head home from Red Wing, so we jumped onto HWY 52 S. The Dairy Queen in Zumbrota called to us, so we popped in there for our final stop before we got home. It was a delightful day even though we didnt get to see much change of colors in the trees.
Today I worked, so that's always fun. It was a good day and went rather fast. Only had a couple of difficult patients, but nothing I couldnt handle. Tomorrow I have the day off and am looking forward to just hanging out. I have some idea's about what I wanna do, but I'll just wait and see what tomorrow brings. Gavin plays against Winona tomorrow at Century. Should be a good game. Goooooooooooooo Gavin, knockumdead. Yikes , did I just say that.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Birthday Boys

Happy Birthday Rick and Brice

What an awesome day this is....... 47 years ago today my awesome husband was born and 19 years ago today my first son was born on his daddy's birthday. It's been hard to top that gift over the years.

I Love you both with 1/2 of my heart, the other half goes to Brie and Gavin. You two cant have it all :)

This will be the first time in 19 years we havent been with Brice on his birthday....sad :(
But...... We had such a good time this weekend, and had Brice pretty much to ourselves. We had a fun B-day party with lots of peeps to celebrate.

I want to wish you both a very Happy Birthday on this, the 11th day of October. I Love you both so much. YIP

Check out the pictures of the Birthday boys below.

Happy Birthday boys Posted by Picasa

One cool dude..aging to perfection :) Posted by Picasa

A much needed coffee pot Posted by Picasa

Beard and Mustache trimmer Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 9, 2005

The other man in her life :)

It was good to have Brianna and Brice home this weekend. It went too fast as it always does. We had a lovely B-day party for Brice and Rick Saturday, Lots of peeps came. (their real B-day is the 11th) It was a great day with perfect weather. We Had the pleasure of seeing Jenny later on in the day and then we were blessed with Hunter's presence around midnight. Oh how I love those kids :) We missed Ryan, Jamey and Megan, Chris and my sister's family, Not sure why Megan didnt try to fly in from London, Hummmmmmmm.

Friday, October 7, 2005

Yah I guess It's pretty cool. Posted by Picasa

Sam and Jensen and the new van

My sister tells me that she finally succumbed to peer pressure and they made the big purchase. They now own a beautiful brand new van and my sister now has the official status of "soccer mom". Well Jodi as I mentioned to you in a e-mail, It all starts out just lovely....little kids, cute, giggly and for the most part they still smell pretty. (except their sweaty little heads). Well that's just all peachy, but You wont be able to claim the ultimate title until they reach the RIPE age of about 13-14.
Yes..... the title as many of us know is....."FOOTBALL MOM" No longer is it cute. The smell of 4-5 teenage boys that have been encased in football pads and gear for 2 hours is, shall we say. . . "NASTY STUFF".
You might say, "well don't they shower"? Well no, the days when kids used to shower in school, are no longer here. You see it's not mandatory anymore(Like it used to be). So why would these young males want to go into one big shower room, where they all get to "see" each other, when they dont have to. It's much more appealing to shower in the privacy of one's own home. So we, the rugged and brave "football mom's" pick up these young boys with loud excited "man voices" and we do the natural thing. . . . . Breath through our mouth, and open all the windows in the van.
Enjoy this awesome time of your life while you can. Soon, and believe me it will be soon. You will be fumagating your car with "Fabreeze" several times a week.
Ya gotta love it. :)

Thursday, October 6, 2005

He is already there

With God your situation is never hopeless.
When He walks with you, you're never alone.
When God is on your side, you can never, ever lose.
So don't be afraid of tomorrow - God is already there.
~Barbara Johnson~

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

1 car and a piece of junk

One down, two to go....I'm talking about shifts at work. Today I work the dreaded "late shift" I go in at 2:30pm and work till it's all over, that could be 9:00pm or it could be, 5:30am Tomorrow. Just depends on what happens. Hopefully we'll be done early, that would be my dream :)
Well it's raining here, I guess that's ok since I have to work anyway, and I think the grass could use a drink. I hear it's gonna get cold tomorrow, I love cold.
We are loving the fact that we are stuck with one car here at home. Brice's car decided not to shift on Saturday in the Target parking lot, so that's always fun. Sooooooooo, He now has Rick's car back up at college, but will be coming back home on Thursday night, so we will deal with it till then. Actually, we will probably get Brice's car back tomorrow, so we will be back to 2 cars, or should I say 1 car and a piece of junk. anywho.... enough said about our pathetic car situation.
I got to talk to Brianna last night on the phone. I miss her but she'll be home this weekend, hopefully the whole weekend. YIP YIP Brianna is coming home. All my kids will be home :)
Now I know How my mom feels when all of us kids are home with all of our kids and spouses, You have the same feeling......Right mom :)
Rick will be coming soon to pick me up for a lunch date, then I have to take him and his bike back to IBM, so I can have our 1 car to drive to work. Then he can ride his bike home from work in the rain later this afternoon. Oh what fun.
Well until the next time I can come up with something to say, you all should have a sweet day.

Sunday, October 2, 2005


I cant help it....I'm a blogging maniac this weekend. Soooooo many fun pictures to share and so much to yack about.

We were so glad to have Brice home this weekend, and he actually was here most of the time. I made him his favorite homemade chix noodle soup, Friday night when he came home, and he sure did bring his appetite with him. My poor hungry college boy :(
Brice was able to see lots of his high school friends at the game and even more friends at church today......Yay for friends.

We traveled to the mall after church and pretty much the whole Hemmer family was there, Including Ryan, who made it home for the Mayo homecoming game. Felt like a mini family reunion. Even our good friend Cozy came so she could see the boys. They were soooooo glad to see her. (She might as well be family, we love her just like she is) Unfortunately Gene (cozy's husband) was out in the fields getting the "beans in", The boys would of loved to see him also :(
Brice will be returning next weekend so we can have a little birthday party for him on Saturday. Yea, for Brianna also coming home for the big b-day event. YIP

I work M-T-W this week, I'm trying not to think about it. YUK
I'll then have thursday and Friday to get ready for the party. Should be a fun week. Ok I guess I'll go for now, but dont worry, I'm sure I'll think of something more to blog about soon. I tell ya, I need to check out the yellow pages for blog-aholics anonymous. Hee hee.


I tell ya,,,,you're coming down, you just watch and see.....brace yourself Posted by Picasa

I'm bring you down big boy Posted by Picasa