A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Our new gadget

Call us "behind the times" or call us being satisfied with what we have, 
we will look to upgrade when the time is right.
I'm talking about our cars... 
We still have to use the KEY to unlock the doors, 
we actually have to shut the rear van door manually,
 and neither car is equipped with GPS.
We use a map when traveling
we learned how to use them in 5th grade!

We are planning a trip to California this spring and
 will be renting a car once we get to San Francisco. 
With big city driving and foreign terrain we gave in
 and bought us a GPS to take along on the trip.

Yah, I know a lot of the rental cars have GPS's in them,
 but we're not interested in paying extra for that. 
This way we'll own the GPS to use when ever we choose.
 (I"ll probably still use the map to get my bearing about where I'm actually going).

So yesterday a took a random short jaunt
(to test our new GPS)
 to a little town called Bellchester
That's it... itty bitty Bellchester MN
population 160
No particular reason I headed to Bellchester,
I  just wanted to go somewhere I haven't been
and I wanted to take the backroads.
Bellchester is one of those tiny towns that as you
 drive down the one street they have 
you get the feeling you've trespassed.

I learned the basics of my GPS, it worked well so I was pleased

Tonight I told Rick we should go somewhere we've never been for dinner.
I heard about this little cafe about 13 miles north of here in Pine Island.
I wanted Rick to experience the GPS
 so we plugged in the City and took the backroads.
It was relaxing, we saw some beautiful gigantic homes with lovely acreages. 
We ended up at The Rainbow Cafe.
Yummy food, good company, 
and quiet ride, cross country with our GPS :)

 I think we could have fun with our new gadget

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Walk in the Country

Today I decided I needed to get a fresh breath of county, 
I checked with my sis-in-law to see if she'd like to take a walk with me.

We needed to "catch up"!

So I headed west about 12 miles from my house, to my Big Brother place...
In the country  
The gravel road...
the cows 
the empty fields just waiting to be planted

I knew I was getting close  :) 

See their house, It's sitting in the woods off the gravel road 
 and then there's the back yard, it's so tranquil
 here's my walking partner
Thanks for the great walk Cindy
It was good to catch up!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March Madness

Just another crazy fact for this insane spring weather in Minnesota

I mowed the lawn in March !
(who does that?)
That smell of fresh cut grass was amazing
The green is sooooo green already
Never have I ever seen such green grass in March?
 I love it. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Out for a ride

Not much else to do on a day like today...

 A ride in the country does the soul, heart and mind good
 He's seen his final days...kinda sad
A good old corn bin, 
It's where the farmers used to store their corn to dry, then use it for feed
Now-a-day you see the big old giant silo's being used, 
I like the real old ones best!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

She has a name

Her name is Elphaba, 
she's green because her mother drank a green elixir while she was pregnant.
I have always loved the Wizard of Oz.
When I was a kid I could hardly wait until that once a year showing on TV.
My favorite character is the wicked witch of the west, Elphaba
which brings me to the broadway musical called
( I saw several years ago in chicago)
It's about the life and times of the Wicked Witch of the West. 
Then there's the books,
I started reading and fell in love with the details of this "pre- Dorothy" story of the land of oz.  I was enchanted by Oz once again, this time from a vastly different point of view and with some sympathy.
You see the "wicked witch" really wasn't so wicked... just misunderstood.

Last night I finished the 4th book of the Wicked series by Gregory Maguire
now I want to start all over again and put everything together.
I've already read Wicked 3 times but I'm sure the 4th time would be a charm.
 The 4 books

One shelf in my kitchen dedicated to some of my "wizard of oz" collection

Did you know Elphaba's main flying monkey in the movie had a name?
His name was Chistery (that's him on the right)
I love my "Oz" musical snow globe (above pic) ,
 it depicts the scene in the Wizard of Oz when Elphaba 
is putting a spell on Dorothy, tin man, lion and scarecrow
 as they are walking through a field of Poisonous poppies.
Oh, I could go on and on.....

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Best friends

Wordless Wednesday

(My granddaughter on right, and her BFF)
Photo by Jen

Monday, March 19, 2012

My feet say thank you

Are there simple things in life that you've never done?
Something that sounds good but you're reluctant, and not sure why?

Last week
on a whim
I did something for myself
that I've never done before...

My 1st ever pedicure
all I can say is


 I'm one who loves to have my feet rubbed
and I like pretty toe nails
I've just always done it myself.

I have a new Love in my life
It's called a pedicure

My feet will never be the same !

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bunny food

My crocus's are going wild in the shade garden out back. 
It's only a matter of time before the bunnies find these tasty little morsels
Thought I should get a picture before it's too late.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Our baby is 21

21 years ago today our 2nd son (our baby) was born

March 16, 1991  12:01am
Gavin Chandler Hemmer
9' 13"   22 in

He was a funny, sweet, smart little boy 
full of adventure and so silly.

He's grown into a wonderful, witty, sensitive young man
he's still funny, adventurous and smart!

Some things never change

We are so proud of you Gavin.

Happy 21st Birthday

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Warm breeze of March

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sweet thank you's

but not necessary

I received a beautiful "thank you" from a neighbor who was in need 
Thats just what neighbors do  

"Love your neighbor, as I loved you"-- Jesus
Jn 13:34

Saturday, March 10, 2012

It appears to be spring at my house

Even my gardens are confused

 North Garden

South Garden

I still think before the end of March,
 there will be a blanket of snow to cover these up again 

I can always hope  :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wanna come in for a dip?

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Winter's not over yet...

The weather seems to be the topic this winter
Today it's at the top of topics talked about in Rochester

61 degrees on March 6th.... UnHeardOf

I  knew I wanted to get out this afternoon and take advantage of the WARM weather.
Even thought about putting on a pair of capri's,
 but quickly opted out afraid that I might blind someone with my stark white legs.

As I walked I was noticed a few things...

 What little snow we have left will probably be gone by tomorrow

Saw a lot of Christmas lights still on houses...today would be a great day to get them off.
I took mine off in January on one to those 30+ degree days 

The trees are confused and starting to bud with new growth

Here I'm at the top of this hill starting my descent, 
glad that's its now down hill the rest of the way home,
well almost, there is one more little uphill spurt  :)

Detour ahead
this puddle forced me off the beaten path, to avoid wet feet

Windows are open to let in a bit of fresh air,
 I enjoy hearing all the sounds of the outdoors, it's a refreshing day
Hope you all have been able to enjoy it !

Monday, March 5, 2012

Just one of my things....

Morbid to some.... but very interesting and enthralling to me

There's this quaint little cemetery on the hill,
 in the country, just west of here.

 I've always wanted to stop and do what I do at cemetery's.
Look at the old head stones and wonder....
So yesterday I did just that 

I was pleased to see I wouldn't have to jump the fence
The gate was not locked, it only looked that way from a distance.

 Old, unkept head stones...seems so sad to me
I stook over them and thought about who they might of been
It's the least I could do.

 More of the same

On the way back home I stopped along the road
 to admire the sky , and take a few photo's
Remember the old song by John Denver
County Road.

Country roads take me home to a place I belong...........  
This is all just a few miles from my home, I love living this close to the country