A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Our new gadget

Call us "behind the times" or call us being satisfied with what we have, 
we will look to upgrade when the time is right.
I'm talking about our cars... 
We still have to use the KEY to unlock the doors, 
we actually have to shut the rear van door manually,
 and neither car is equipped with GPS.
We use a map when traveling
we learned how to use them in 5th grade!

We are planning a trip to California this spring and
 will be renting a car once we get to San Francisco. 
With big city driving and foreign terrain we gave in
 and bought us a GPS to take along on the trip.

Yah, I know a lot of the rental cars have GPS's in them,
 but we're not interested in paying extra for that. 
This way we'll own the GPS to use when ever we choose.
 (I"ll probably still use the map to get my bearing about where I'm actually going).

So yesterday a took a random short jaunt
(to test our new GPS)
 to a little town called Bellchester
That's it... itty bitty Bellchester MN
population 160
No particular reason I headed to Bellchester,
I  just wanted to go somewhere I haven't been
and I wanted to take the backroads.
Bellchester is one of those tiny towns that as you
 drive down the one street they have 
you get the feeling you've trespassed.

I learned the basics of my GPS, it worked well so I was pleased

Tonight I told Rick we should go somewhere we've never been for dinner.
I heard about this little cafe about 13 miles north of here in Pine Island.
I wanted Rick to experience the GPS
 so we plugged in the City and took the backroads.
It was relaxing, we saw some beautiful gigantic homes with lovely acreages. 
We ended up at The Rainbow Cafe.
Yummy food, good company, 
and quiet ride, cross country with our GPS :)

 I think we could have fun with our new gadget


  1. The Rainbow Cafe is one of our favorite restaurants! What did you have?

  2. Cheri, I had the french Dip, It was delicious!

  3. We have eatten there a few times. Good food.

  4. I LOVE my GPS! I'm not as brave with it as I'd like to be but it's sure a huge help!

  5. This is so timely because our son told us this weekend, as we attempting to navigate detours in eastern Wisconsin, that we ought to have a GPS. Ah, we have a map, we said.

    Thanks for the tip on the Rainbow Cafe. As we drove by Pine Island on 52 yesterday, I asked my husband, "Have you ever been to Pine Island? I wonder what's there."

    He hadn't. But now I know. What is this cafe known for?
