A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Gavin and Andrew actually let me take their picture


Rick and I took the 9th and 10th grade campers to Park Rapids (Our church camp). It was fun. Gavin took Andrew for the 3rd year in a row, Jill was also on the trip, sitting right behind me, so that was special. It was fun to hang out last night, we went to "fireside with the kids and sang worship songs..whoop :) we stayed the night at camp, Oh it's so beautiful up there, I Love "Pine Haven"


  1. Anonymous10:34 PM

    It was 14 years ago this week that the Dietzman's were welcomed to Chesapeake Lane (and Rochester) by the Hemmers....and invited to Pine Haven....We are definitely friends that were meant to be!

  2. WOW....where did the time go. We Love you guys, thanks for your friendship :)

  3. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Pine tree in background is a VERY nice touch!

  4. Anonymous2:35 PM

    wow, the grass has grown in a lot since i was there..even though it grew like 2 INCHES by the time we left...grass is an amazing thing i tell you.

  5. ahhh, i wanna go to fireside!!!!! awesome! the pine tree is lovely, I agree with Cheri that it is a nice touch.
