A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, June 30, 2006

My two oldest boys.
Logan is our Non-biological son whom has lived on and off with us for days at a time since he was about 15. He and Brice were roomies last year in St.Paul. They get along real well, and are really good friends (Bestest of friends) Logan has spent the last 2 nights with us, and this morning I decided to be "suzy homemaker" and fix them a nice breakfast of french toast. I Love these two like no other. . . . . . . You two know how to make a mom proud :)
My other Son, Gavin remains "UP NORTH" at his church camp week. I hope he is having a good time and learning lots of good stuff. He shall return tomorrow afternoon, cant wait to squeeze his little cheecks.
Brianna has finished her 1st week of orientation at St.Marys...only 9 to go. You da bomb Brie...hang in there girlfriend.
Today I went to Whitings and got annuals for 50% off, that is so cool, I'm excited to plant them in my pots, they are oh....so pretty, I will be sure to Blog them.
I guess that's enough about my day, not too much excitment to share.


  1. Must be nice to have your own suzy home maker//////

  2. Oofdah.

    I like Logan as well. I'm glad he is my "brother"

  3. Cute! Yea for suzy homemakers! The best time is breakfast time!!!
