A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, July 8, 2006

It's Saturday afternoon and I'm bored. I dont like it when it's hot and humid outside, it makes me want to do NOTHING, I get hot and all sweaty faced, which is the most awesome feeling in the whole wide world...YUK
This morning Brie and I went to Panera for a bagel and coffee, then we went and looked at a condo for fun. We came home from doing that and hung out for awhile with Rick and Chris and Gavin. We just chit-chatted. Then Gavin and I went a shopping to the mall. He found a couple pairs of jeans and a swim suit......whoop
Now I'm home and just doing computer stuff, photoshopping and all that fun stuff. I got my pictures organized so I thought I'd do a short blog I really have nothing to say, Nope not a thing, I am bored, it's too hot to bake cookies, it's too hot to clean, and I dont feel like doing that anyways. So now I just sit here and type. (and say nothing)
I did visit with Megan briefly in IM. She is studying so we were being bored together. eep !
What I really want to do is just go spend money or go on a trip...just get away for awhile.....yah like that's gonna happen, I would want to take my hubby with me of course. Maybe someday we will get away.
I better get up before my butt attaches to the chair. Not sure what I'll do, but I'll get up, that's a start.

I just like flowers Posted by Picasa


  1. 1. Pretty Flower pic collage!
    2. I bet you wished your but would have attached to the chair at this point! wink wink!

  2. Lets not talk about my butt

  3. Butt? How IS your Butt Jackie?

    About the flowers....once again...awesome. You didn't tell me you could do THAT many pics in the collage!

  4. Oh that's sooo pretty! I want it!

    PS: mom, I heard something about your butt?!!

  5. How's your butt doing ?

  6. Anonymous8:55 PM

    still hurts,,,,,nothing a little advil wont help.
