A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

One week "Post Wedding"

The week flew by pretty fast. Can't believe it's already the weekend. I'm coming down off my "HIGH" from the wedding, and getting back to my normal routine again.
I miss my sweet daughter and awesome son-in-law (eep I can finally call him that) I still turn the corner of Chesapeake lane wondering if Chris's car will be in front of the house, and I've checked in Brie's room a couple of times, not sure what I'm looking for..... Many of you may have gotten they're e-mail from Riviera Maya, but those of you that haven't should know they are having a great time, Brianna says everything is "Just beautiful". This weekend they will just be relaxing by the ocean, and then they'll be back home monday. YEAH

Brice just called me a few minutes ago (which ALWAYS brings a smile to my face). That boy has got my heart !

Two of Gavin's friends spent the night last night, I didnt hear a peep...that could be good or bad. The house still seems to be in one piece so that's good. Gavin has gone down to the neighbors to rake their leaves, they are an older couple and need help so Gavin got voted in to do the job.

OH, Cara, Kelsey, and Heather.... I found the key that YOU lost...HEE HEE. I did a final check in my little black purse and they were tucked away in a little elastic pocket. Thanks for checking your stuff anyway. Man...is this a sign of aging? Forgive me.
Rick and I went to "Flags of our father's" last night. It was a good movie, but i really lack in the history department, so I didnt get the whole meaning of everything. That's ok....Rick is really good at explaining those things to me :)

Well enough of my babbling I hope you all have a grand weekend.
Chris and Brie will be on the runway Monday at 3:19, if you think of it, please say a prayer for a safe trip home....Thanks


  1. Oh Jackie! I can't believe you have a son-in-law! It's all sooo amazing isn't it? Congratulations on a fantastic wedding and reception! We all had a wonderful time. I can't wait to hear how the honeymoon went and see the pictures. It's going to be weird to think of having 2 empty bedrooms in the house now isn't it? Don't worry...it get's easier with time. Trust me on that. come visit me in the mall and we can have coffee...anytime! Love you!

  2. Yay! Glad you found the keys, I was second guessing myself, because maybe I didnt give them to someone else and they are hiding somewhere in my piles of stuff. Im sure Brie and Chris will be there very often to see you so you will see that lovely red car in front of your house very soon. I drove by your street Friday night and it made me sad that I can no longer wave at Brie as I drive by every week. Anyways..thanks for the update enjoy the beautiful day!

  3. whoop, im just checking in here, cause its about that time, ive had way too much sun sun so im in a lounge type thing paying 3 dollars for 15 mins, not cool, but its aight, were having a great time, and we miss you peeps, lata, lata

  4. I think that i gave you the key to the room at the curch if that's what you're talking about...I handed it to you before we left. hahaha...you dork!
    congrats on being a mom in law!

  5. Thanks for all your hard wedding work mom, it was soooo much fun!
