A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas + Gymnastics = fun

Oh it's that time of year when everything seems to go into hyperspeed. I feel like I'm going a hundred miles an hour...most of the time. So a quick catch up with the events over the last few days
Saturday was a glorius day, snow has finally fallen and It's so pretty. The ice is even pretty when the sun shines on it in just the right way. Saturday evening Rick and I ventured out to a movie. We went to see "autumn rush" It was a nice movie (one of those feel good movies)

Sunday we had church which was lovely. Rick I and Chris headed over to the mall for a little lunch, We ended up there until almost 2pm. ( Brianna was slaving away at work) Gavin....the lucky dog was at the Vikings game with 3 of his buddies. They had seats on the Vikings 50 yd line and 5 rows up. They had a great time seeing the Vikings womp all over the Lions, HA

Rick and I went out and got the Christmas tree, we ended up with a 6.5 foot Scotch pine, it smells so lovely in the house, all pine- like. I managed to get the upstairs decorated for Christmas and will finish the basement this week. It looks so pretty.

Brianna came over after work and helped us decorate the tree. Chris came over later after work. I missed having Brice here to decorate with us, Sigh..... We called him while decorating so he could kind of be a part of it with us.


Brianna also displayed a bit of her Gymnastic ability for a little intermission time after decorating the tree

Today I went to the cities with my mom for her appointment. While there, I got a call from Brice as he was walking home from class. He was surprised that we were in the cities and since he had a nice long break til his next class we planned for a lunch together. We ended up at "Noodles" , it was good to hug "my boy" and spend a little time with him after missing him sooooooo much yesterday...I think it was a God thing, God knew just what I needed and there it was.
Tonight Rick and I both were craving "Carlos O'Kelly's" so we made our way there for supper, it was very yummy. Tomorrow I work, then off on Wed & Thurs. Got a bunch to do on those 2 days, it's all good. Some day soon I will need to start my Christmas shopping and get my cards out......hummmmmm


  1. good update mom, heehe, the pictures are quite funny, I'm a freak.

  2. Thanks for the trip. It was fun having Brice drive us around. Thats the only way to go in the cities. Have someone who knows where their going do the driving.
    Brice has some of his gramp's habits, like reaching for the shift when driving an automatic. Fun Fun Fun.

  3. Kirk, Nate and I decorated our tree.....I hate not having all the kids here to do it together.

    Brie...what a gymnastic pro you are....keep at it!
