A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Quite an imagination....

Rick and I went to have appetizers at "Applebees" tonight with Gavin. We had a few brief conversations, the last one stuck me as funny.

10:00 pm, shortly after we finished eating.....

Gavin: (pretending to look at a watch on his wrist) "Yeah I need to get going, I got a meeting"
Me: "A meeting.... What"?
Gavin: "Yeah the Vikings want to meet with me to discuss my plans after highschool football"
Me; "whatever Gavin"

The kid can be entertaining. He usually has some sort of "meeting" with pretty much any professional sports team out there.


  1. oh those kids...they say the darndest things ;)

  2. I love it. It's always the quiet ones with the great sense of humor!

  3. Go fot it Gav. Shoot for Farve's job.

  4. he lives in a "special" world of his own.

  5. Lol..yeah watch out for us "quiet ones". Ask Brianna she knows how "quiet" I am.
