A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Back in the day

I was out to mom & dad's a few weeks ago and thought it would be fun to take a few pictures of the homestead and it's surroundings...in otherwords, my old stomping grounds
I grew up in the house my parents still live in
Coming in the back way, down the old...
or atleast that's what it used to look like back in the day.
This little road used to be a dirt path with two ruts where the
tires of the cars wore-away the grass.
Neighborhood playground...yep that's our yard ,
its where all the football games, war games, hide and seeks and lots of
crazy neighbors kids gathered to ....play
Back in the day when kids REALLY played!
Like on this hill, the old cow pasture...
yes there really were cows up there...back in the day,
and we used to sled on this hill in the winter.
There was no road on that hill and NO houses up there on that hill, only cows...
and cowpies.
This is where we used to snowmobile with our friends...
Now it's Hwy 52 south.
This was our playground ...back in the day, back when there was no road,
only trees and open space...to play.

On the right hand side of this picture there used to be a dirt-worn path where us kids used to walk to the "little store" to buy us some candy. It wasnt quite a mile from home..we walked, and we liked it. That road (on the left) used to be Hwy 52 south. Now it's known as Marion Road
The Little store used to be littler
We walked to school...a small, sort of country school.
Not far from our house.

But this was the first...and REAL country school. Some of the older neighbor kids went to this school, the 1st BURR OAK.
It still sits to the left of the newer Burr Oak school (the one I went to )
The only times I went in this school was to turn in my Gopher feet and tails for cash,
That's how we made money...back in the day. We trapped gophers.

Then there's the old ball field... my favorite place to be in the summer. I was the only girl to play on the all boy team. I loved playing ball at this field, I remember the night Mike Mielke put a window out in the old white school house....HOMERUN !!!


  1. wow..what a cute blog...i do notice that you mention there were a lot of activities and differences from "back in the day" was it really so long ago AJ? don't date yourself! you're still young, right and spry! no worries...

    thanks for the pics! i have memories in those places too..not all of them, but many! :)

  2. I like your description of everying- I grew up less than 1 mile from you- and we used to Bike to the Little Store with our neighbors- and I actually remember when they built the houses on the hill behind us, or your "Cow pasture"- but I don't remember the cows... thanks for sharing!

  3. Really neat blog Mom. I've heard all the stories, but it's fun to read about it with the pictures too. You had a great place to run and play.
