A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Live well"

Mayo Clinic sends out a monthly (health) News Letter called
It's full of articles on your health, exercise and it also has recipe's

Today I saw a recipe in this month mailing that looked easy & yummy. I actually had all the ingredients, so I decided to give it a try.

Mixed berry whole grain coffee cake
All mixed-up and ready to bake

All baked and ready to eat

Rick & I both approve !
Next time I'll purchase some Fat-free whip cream to polish it off :)

Serving size 8 Calories 140, fat 5g, fiber 3gm = 3WW pts.
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  1. Sounds and looks good. I wanna bite.

  2. looks really good. mmmmm

  3. I wanted to try that one too! Glad to know it's a good one:) I'd for sure add cool whip or ice cream too;)

  4. I think I need this recipe!!
