A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Get a grip jackie

Do you ever let your pantry get away from you?

You're in the grocery store and not sure if you have a certain ingredient so you just buy it, only to get home and find out you had 3-4 of that very item in your pantry.

and was feeling a bit ashamed today as I stood staring into
an overflowing messy pantry.

So, determined to get a grip, I pushed up my sleeves and dug in....
...and this is only some of what I had to throw out, pathetic, I know !

and this is what I will be taking to the food shelf at our church!

I'm determined not to buy more than I need anymore, to really be frugal and when I see some of those great buys, like chicken noodle soup for .35 cents I'll buy extra...

Not for my pantry, but for the food shelf at church.
Feeling a bit better now...I'm getting a grip on my pantry


  1. It runs in the family. LOL
    I'm guilty too. The reason I don't clean out mine is because I have to get on my knees and they hurt too bad to do that. I spose I could lay on my side. OH BOY! What a sight.

  2. I just cleaned my pantry (and some cupboards) this week too! Must be in the air! I'm more likely to do fall cleaning than spring cleaning.

  3. Wow, I have never seen the pantry that empty! Nice!
