A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

This one's for you MOM :)

My mom is not a facebook user.....yet.
So I knew I needed to whip up a blog so she could see what were up to here on Superior's north shore. The pictures are from yesterday (our first day here). We were WAY too busy and having too much fun for me to blog last night. So hear ya go mom, and of course my blogger friends....enjoy

We were so excited at the meeting Josh & Megan for lunch on our way up to Tofte. We just happen to be vacationing at the same time and thought it would be fun to meet up with.....
Newly engaged sweethearts. Megan is my niece and these two are giddy-in-love! I'm pretty sure a match made in heaven....Love you two

Thanks for hanging with us Josh & Megan, we are thrilled for you both....
"happy engagement"
Another 80 miles north. just past Tofte and right before Lutsen we come to our "place of leisure " Chateau LeVeaux" We found our Condo and loved it immediatly.
Out our back door from the patio
Just below our condo on the shore ( the lake is out in front of us)

I Love this guy.

After we checkout our surroundings. we put on our hiking gear and headed just a few miles down the road to Oberg Mountain to do a little hiking.
It was sooooo beautiful, a perfect hike

After our hike we stopped by Temperance River to snoop around. We may hike here another day.
Love being up here, Love having nothing to do but hang with Rick. Stay tuned for update to come :)


  1. Awesome Blog Jackie. Thanks for taking the time with Megan & Josh..

  2. Pics are amazing!!Enjoy your vacation time! Perfect weather!!

  3. Thanks Jackie. The pictures are great. We were gone yesterday so I didn't read the blogs.

  4. AJ! The pics are amazing. Thanks so much for meeting up with Josh and me. I can't tell you how much it meant to see family after such an exciting day. I was dying to see someone i knew and loved. I wanted to tell the story and show off my new fiancee...and the ring he gave me, hehe. It was perfect timing, and you have such a kind, loving heart to have thought of us and made the time to have lunch. We were thrilled to see you and Rick! Thank you.

    I hope your trip north was as amazing as the pictures show it to be. What a beautiful place int he fall. i hope to have many more vacations north in my future. I'm sure there won't be an argument from Josh on that one!

    Love you!
