A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

MANual labor

The plow just went through so my two guy are out clearing the driveway, more for something to do I think, because it aint done snowing and blowin yet.

Out the back door looks a bit more peaceful....but it aint
I just took the picture in between gusts

It's such a beautiful winter day, lots and lots of snow....
yep we live in Minnesota, and it snows here.

It never gets old for me


  1. Nate D.5:03 PM

    Sad i missed it, but glad i made it out of there to head to chicago before it hit! btw, awesome photos in your banner at the top! all VERY good! haha

  2. I wonder if it will be as wonderful when you get to be your dad's age. LOL.
