A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Shopping day

...was my annual December shopping trip with my sister.

My favorite place to shop in all of Minnesota
Maple Grove, just 20 minutes from my sis's house.

It's a fun place to go especially around Christmas time
It's an outdoor mall, with lots of cool shops and yummy places to eat

You walk from shop to shop, Christmas music playing on outside speakers
It's very festive.

Time goes by way to fast, but we have fun with the time we share.

The next morning, my sis and her husband were off to work
so I got to spend some time with these two
My nephew Sam, and niece Jensen
I drove the kids to school then spent a few hours shopping by myself....

Back to Rochester I went....
to my quiet little town where I can appreciate how easy it is to get around.

I love the twin cities ( it's a nice place to visit) but I wouldn't want to live there.


  1. I just like to visit family in the cities. No shopping or living there.

  2. I love the Shoppes at Arbor Lakes too! Did they have the fire pits going?

  3. but living here is so nice! it gets easier when you know the roads and drive them often. It's just like Rochester...you avoid driving in rush hour if you can...and roads like 494 and 394 become familiar to you, (and relieving, if you're lost). But the big cities aren't for everyone...they're a nice place to visit though! glad you had fun!

  4. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

    - Daniel
