A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

walking in the winter

Not sure why I waited to long....

It's probably been about 2 months since I've been out walking
I'm kinda afraid of falling so then I walk sort of gingerly and don't feel like I get much of a work out.... so I just didnt walk.

until a few days ago,...
I was browsing around Gander Mountain and found just what I was looking for.
...these shoe covers that have little spikes in the bottom to keep ya from falling on the slippery sidewalks and snow covered paths.

So off I've been going
They work pretty good, and I dont even know they're there.

Yesterday I ventured off the road and onto the douglas trail.
There is no grooming of the trail in the winter. The path made by people like me who like to walk off the beaten path. I got about as far as the ball diamond and turned around.
The snow was getting a bit deep and with only tennis shoes on that wasnt gonna work.

Douglas trail


  1. You will have to get you one of then little pup snowblowers and clear your path as you go.

  2. Cool! Way to go Mom. Brr!

  3. Aren't those the greatest? I use something similar, called Yak Tracks. I put them on my running shoes so that I can run in the snow. I am thinking of getting snowshoes for next year! Have fun!


  4. Silly Girl! If I'd known you were looking to walk outside I woulda told you to go to Fleet Farm for these. They've had em for years!
