A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

So there's that little bench at the bottom of my front steps.
I love it in the winter, cuz it shows how deep the snow is

and I love it when there's no snow on it cuz that means I'll be barefoot, and I love being bare foot. (but I still love winter)

Wont be long now folks....and I'll be barefoot
I bet you thought I was gonna say it'll be spring.
Yah, that too.

Enjoying the last days of winter, but not totally giving in....
we all know what "old man winter" can do to us in March...

March 2008 snow storm

March 2007 snow storm

Dont be hatin'.... I'm just sayin !


  1. Well, Jackie...one more thing we have in common. I hate shoes and love being barefoot. :) Great pics!

  2. I'm a barefoot AND SUMMER kinda girl. But you already know that :) Don't be thinking snow this late in March.
