A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I have fond memories of  
The Farm
That's one of grandpa's fields on the left, and that's the farm up ahead...
 and the gravel road that led us there.

 This is all that's left of The Farm, we had many adventures as kids checking things out in the barn, climbing trees and playing with our cousins.
The best part of that was that the adult didn't hoover over us
No...they were sitting at the kitchen table eating homemade goodies and sippin' on coffee.
They really had no idea what building we were in or what  kind of things we were getting into.

Those were the days... I'm so glad I got to live it as a child.
Free to explore...no parent in site, 
Oh if we got hurt, someone would run and get mom, then she would come.

 The silo,  a good old-fashion silo, not like the metal ones they build now.

 When we drove by a few weeks ago, I told mom, "I sure wish the house was still there".
I think I'd probably go up to the door and see if the present owner would let us have a look. 

I think the coolest thing was the slanted kitchen floor, Grandpa's overall's hanging on the hook right inside the door (grandpa died before I was born). The old crank phone on the wall in the dining room, the basket with a few toys for the grandkids and the wood stove in the living room. 

When they moved Grandma Thomas into the nursing home I was able to go with mom back to the farm,  I got to choose a couple of things that were special to me...
Gertrude Madsen, is engraved on the tuner she used for music class. Grandma was a teacher. I also have an old wooden miniature "bowling pin".  We used to line them up in the wood floors and throw something at them like we were bowling.  I'm glad I have memories etched in my mind as well, 
those were good times...for a kid.

Wish I was a photographer back then....oh the pictures I would have taken...


  1. Jackie...these are lovely memories and beautiful pictures (I see the new camera and you are best of friends already). The farm looks like a wonderful, special place.

  2. I hope you explored all the buildings again while you were there! :)

  3. Fun memories :) I like how your grandma had your grandpa's overalls still hanging up. I would have liked to meet them.

  4. Those were the good old days. Almost no worry. No killings, gangs, no locked doors on the buildings or cars. It was a lot safer backm then. Oh Jackiem those were Grandmas overalls. I wore then when we put on the skit at Burr Oak school with other PTA members.

  5. What special memories Jackie! It's so neat that you were able to have a few things of your Grandmother's as well. I love the panoramic shots! Glad you were able to take a little visit to a very special place.

  6. Mom I guess I always thought those were grandpa's. Thought you told me that once. Oh well... they were still cool.
