A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Good times

This weekend we attended the wedding of a friend.  
The Dietzmans put on a beautiful wedding for their oldest child Cara.

Our daughter Brianna was the Matron of honor.

Cara and Brianna are long time childhood friends

The reception and dance were under a tent in the yard.... we all danced the night away
All the father's and daughter's were invited out for a dance.
My daughter Brianna and my hubby Rick
My Son-in-law Chris and granddaughter Audrey

My son Brice and his wife Jenny were able to attend as well

gettin' their groove on

Jenny and Brice, dancing up a storm

Dancing the night away
(daughter Brianna... and Chris)
Congrats Tim & Cara


  1. Looks like everyone hadm a great time. Very nice.

  2. Very pretty! Love the windows hanging down.

  3. dang. you beat me to the posting of the wedding. I don't even have pics to post yet!

  4. I love the kiss pic!

  5. I'm jealous! I love a good wedding and everyone I know is married:( It'll be awhile before my nieces and nephews will be ready.
