A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Duluth Part Two

Enger tower
451 feet above Lake Superior
 I'm not sure Rick and I had never been to this beautiful landmark.
An 80 foot, five story, blue stone observation tower atop Enger Hill in Duluth.

 Rick is admiring a golf course from the top of the tower

Looking back at Duluth's aerial lift bridge

We returned in the evening to see the tower lit up, it was worth coming back for

 The night view..... the camera doesn't do it justice

Beautiful cloud pattern looking back toward superior

More to come on our trip up the shore....


  1. I ditto your mom, Jackie. Great photos. I've been to Enger Tower, but not at night. Time for a trip north again sometime. It's been too many years.

  2. I"m not sure why we had never discovered the tower before...about everyone I've talked to has seen it, even 2 of my children.

  3. Such amazing pictures! I'll have to check out that tower some time.

  4. The surrounding "park" is beautiful as well, It's fun just to walk around and look at the beauty all around.

  5. So, Kirk thinks that your first trip to the North Shore was camping with us. Is it true?

    1. Rick and I were reminnesing about out camping trip with you guy....so much fun, But we had been there before.Sometimes it's hard to remember when we did what, but then when we start thinking about what ages our kids were that helps. Those days bring back such fond memories:)
