A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

No waiting in line, good deals, and open 24/7...

As I've become more comfortable with the internet over the last few years, 
I've also gotten more comfortable with on-line shopping.
I have made many purchases, especially around Christmas time.
I have had only a few downfalls in my own internet shopping, both were easy fixes.
Oh I know, there are things that can go wrong, 
I've heard other peoples horror stories but I've not had a horror story....yet, 
and hopefully I never will.  
I've concocted a list of good things about shopping on-line...

*Good deals
*It's easy
*You have the ability to shop around for the best deal
 (in the comfort of your own home)
*Able to read reviews from other customers on the product your about to order
*availability...more products to offer
*Can almost always find what your looking for, that you cant find in stores
*no battling for a parking place
*You don't have to use the public bathrooms
*open 24/7
*avoid crowds
*more sizes, styles, inventory

Below I have listed a few of my favorite on-line stores
Toys R us
Barnes & Noble Book store
Musicians friend

Many of these sites have perks like free shipping if you spend "so much" (which isn't hard around Christmas time), and free returns if the size of something doesn't work out.

Shopping for adult children can be exhausting, this year my oldest son sent me a link to a winter vest he liked....SCORE, all I had to do is go to the link and order it for him, easy peasy!

I have a Nook so I buy my book on-line through Barnes and Noble. I'm a slow reader and have never liked borrowing from the library, I always feel rushed to finish the book, this way I can take my time and read at my leisure.

I order all my photo's and photo books from Shutterfly, It's so much nicer to sit in the comfort of my own home, take my time and edit as I go! Standing at those machines in Walmart is the worst thing ever to me, always a wait and someone's always standing there breathing down my back...wont do that anymore!

I've ordered many many shoes from Zappos, Love this site!  I'm not against supporting small business's in Rochester, the other day I went to buy some shoes for work but they didn't have the style or color I wanted so I ended up ordering from Zappo's ...I tried :/

I've used Priceline many times in our travels to get great deals on hotels and rental cars.

Found a Vintage popcorn popper on Ebay for our son....couldn't buy this one in stores.

With a Target Red Card, shipping is free and it comes fast.... so much more relaxing to shop at home.

Musicians friend....awesome deals, we have bought an electric keyboard, full drum set and a few guitars, free shipping on most orders.

Amazon.... well, you can find anything on amazon!

Most recent on-line purchases....

Work shoes from Zappos
When your on your feet all day, comfortable and supportive shoes are important
and yes, they can even be cute  :)

Birthday present for my grandson
Two babyshower gifts for grand #3
Cover for husbands new "tablet"
Photo book
Nook book

I'm sure on-line shopping isn't for everyone, it took me awhile to trust it, 
but once I did, I found that I love the ease of it and all the perks (listed above).  

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Family gatherings

Since I have been married, 
I have not know anything but large holiday gatherings for every holiday. 
Never a dull moment,  it's even branched into the 3rd generation...
 it's a lot of people all together in one home.... that being my mom & dad's  home. 
Easter was the most recent gathering, all of us gathered together 
except my dear daughter who was working as a nurse at the hospital.  
That make 25...whew.
Thought I would share a little bit of our family on Easter
Ok, so maybe a lot....
 My Son-in-love and grands after church

 Grandma Mary's got the best food

 I'm usually the last to eat, I love getting the candid shots

My dad with his #4 great grandchild

More eating shots

The rain stopped so let the games begin

Carson and Audrey love playing chalk 
Grandpa Rick engages with little Carson ...
... who always wants grandpa to draw balls.

Did I forget to mention the 2 dogs?
This is my sister's dog, Ruby.

My nephew Jamey with his dog Major Briggs
Audrey is taking him for a little walk. 

 Notice the cars lined up on the road that goes past mom & dad's
That line extends well beyond the driveway

 My nephew Sam showing Carson how to dribble

Slam dunk! 

My sister holding her our grand niece Abby, she belongs to my niece Megan (far left)

There are many that I didn't get in the photos, but I love them all the same. 
4th of July...next big event at the Erickson's

Monday, April 21, 2014

Still friends after all these years

A few weekends ago, I had the privilege of photographing these lovely ladies.
They were college roommates many years ago here in Rochester. 
They did their schooling at the Rochester Junior College, 
and did their nursing clinicals at St. Marys Hospital.
It had been 15 years since they have all gotten together, 
they were missing just two of the roommates. 
Only Anne is still in Rochester, the others from afar....one even flew in for the quaint reunion.
 Anne (2nd from the right) and I have worked together throughout the years, 
first in the Emergency Room and now again as Sedation nurses in Vascular Radiology. 
Anne asked if I could snap a few photos of them in some special spots around town...
I obliged ... 

The house they lived in #21, just a couple of blocks from the hospital
Anne asked the owners if they could sit on the front step for a photo. 

These girls are fun to hang out with! 

You cant forget Will and Charlie Mayo 

Just a fun photo

Sitting on the ledge of the house they lived in, 
I got a good mix of fun, sentiment and true friendship after all these years.

Do you still have friendships from your college/highschool days?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Five Today!

5 years ago today my life changed forever... 
I instantly became a grandma at age 48. 
My heart skipped a beat and I was in love, with a little baby girl who I call "jo jo"

Audrey you are a special girl... a perfect blend of many traits  
a free-spirit,
 giving heart,
loving, caring & kind
self assured
full of drama in every way (that's a good thing)
beautiful inside & out
highly fashionable
I could go on and on....
Audrey, you are the light of my life,
you are pure joy and perfection in your grandma's eyes.
I pray for you everyday and look forward to watching you grow up and 
to see what God has in His plans for you!
I feel more than blessed to be your grandma, I love you jo jo.
Happy Birthday...You're 5!!!

Click on my video below to see a few photo's from this past year

Monday, April 14, 2014

Who decides these names...

Rick spotted this little guy on our front tree

He has a Red Head but his name is...
 "Red Bellied woodpecker"...
Why? the Red is on his head, not his belly.

There are other species of woodpeckers that looks like this as well so i could be wrong, but the google pictures that I studied look a lot like this one.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

They seem to grow up over night...

 It's not often I get this little guy all to myself, 
my sweet grandson Carson.
 He seems to have all the sudden lost his "babiness" and turned into a big boy.
It was fun to have him today...just Carson and I
 First we went to visit Great- grandma mary and Gr. Grandpa Gale, (my parents)
Gr. Grandpa was metal detecting but we had a nice visit with Grandma Mary. 

 Sitting in the car playing with an electronic toddler game.

 We got back home and played outside a bit since it was so nice.
 Blowing bubbles

Carson decided today that he no longer needed to sit in the high chair, OR...wear his bib.
Getting big too fast

Another first.... Carson took a nap in the toddler bed which Audrey usually sleeps in.
 Guess it's time to put away the "pack-n-play" that he used to sleep in.
(Also time to get some "gender neuteral" bedding)

Trying to get the tennis ball hanging from the garage ceiling.
 He can now touch it.
growing up...getting taller
(not sure why this movie is playing over and over again....oh well, you get the idea).

The other first today was that I finally got a name..... "ma"  
Carson called me "ma", 
He has been calling grandpa "ba" for several months.....now finally, I have a name   :)

I just love being a grandma, cant wait for our newest addition coming in June   :)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Church basement Ladies...

This weekend Rick and I are on a much needed get away.
 It was our 32nd anniversary on Thursday so we planned
 to head to the cities for some fun...

I have always wanted to see the production of
  "The Church Basement Ladies"
Our hotel was not far from the Plymouth playhouse
 so it seemed a perfect time to go see the play.

 "The story is about the ladies that work in the church basement cooking meals for church functions. The musical is inspired by the humorous book Growing Up Lutheran, by Janet Letnes Martin and Suzann Nelson. Published in 1997, Growing Up Lutheran is a humorous "scrapbook of memories" of what is was like to grow up Lutheran in the Midwest in the 1950's".(Excerpt from Wikipedia)

I grew up "Lutheran"...but not in the 1950's so some of it I got, some of it felt a little "old" for me,
I think the ladies in their late 60's and beyond could probably relate to the play more then I could but it didn't matter, it was a blast! The actors did a great job of living out there parts,
both Rick and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
There was also a  few "uff-da's", which is one of those Norwegian words in my daily vocabulary.

No camera's allowed....guess who had a little point and shoot in her pocket  :)
 Just one photo of the set before the play began... I just had to.
The play has been extended through June because of popular demand, I would highly recommend it, you wont be disappointed. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

You will forever be my always...

I cant imagine life without you,
you are my best friend, 
 the only person in the world that I trust 
completely and utterly with all of my
heart and soul
I'm so thankful you are mine... I am blessed 

Happy Anniversary
I Love you Rick Hemmer