It stands, sits 8 feet tall, a public work of art by
Jume Plensa, an artist born in Spain in 1955.
"Spillover II"
I was fascinated by this piece of art located in the Village of Shorewood.

We found it by accident as we sat our chairs down in a little park atop a scenic view of Lake Michigan. It took awhile for us to notice as we were more interested in
watching the crazy kids swimming in the Lake on a very cool afternoon.
It (the sculpture) sat quietly waiting to be acknowledged.
At first it just looks like a plop of metal,
but then when you REALLY look you start to see it...
A man sitting, looking toward the lake, arms cradling his tucked-up knees.
It's at this point we get out of our chairs and admire this lovely piece.
Stainless steel letters form the open framework,
they appear to spill onto the concrete slab on which he sits...
hence the name of this piece," Spill Over II "
At night the sculpture is lit from within....
Photo courtesy of John O'Hara
Unfortunately, I didn't know this at the time or I would have been there to see it cool!
Two days is not enough to really see all there is in Milwaukee.....
Milwaukee was getting ready for the Lake Front Festival of Arts
which started this weekend (Friday)
which started this weekend (Friday)
We wandered by the Milwaukee Art Museum, there were
lots of workers getting things set up for the festival.
lots of workers getting things set up for the festival.
I didn't get any great shots of the museum but here are a few, for what it's worth.
I have more to show you in my next post, come back for more on Milwaukee...
That is a really cool sculpture. Anything with words would win me over.