A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

From the outside you would never know...

Disease is such an ugly word, 
"Disease" doesn't fit for diabetes.
Diabetes is more of a life style with out a choice!

2 years ago today our sweet Grandson Carson, had just turned 4
We were on a family vacation in the Northwoods of Minnesota (about 280 miles from home)
 Carson just wasn't himself.
He was moody, clingy to his momma, overly thirsty and hungry, he was looked "lean" as we called it then but hind-sight tells he had slowly been loosing weight.
I hate to re-live this day as it brings quiet sobs deep within me.
It still breaks my heart as I sit right now at our cabin and remember
 this day two years ago, the morning of June 28th 2016. 
It's the day Carson's diabetes showed it's ugly face.
I write about it to remind myself of God's grace and mercies that are new every morning!
 He has continued to walk along side the Lewis family as they have taken this bull by the horns. 

It was not a huge surprise as Carson's mamma Brianna and I are both nurses,
 but when you take that role away and insert mom & grandma, you want to maybe pretend
 that it's probably just "something else" (but you know better)

That morning after a big pancake breakfast with lots of yummy syrup, Carson started complaining of a headache, and within minutes was throwing up, and then he started to become lethargic...
We both knew he needed his blood sugar checked, so off we went to the hospital.
It was in the tiny ER of Park Rapids, MN that the news was delivered to my daughter and I.
 I remember thinking it didnt seem very compassionate, in a matter-of-fact kind of way
 the Doctor said, "I think you already know, your son has new-onset type 1 diabetes"
It was as this moment that Carson's life changed forever, 
along with his Mom & Dad and sister.

Carson's life may have changed forever, but he and his family have adapted well, it's quite amazing to see Brianna and Chris work as a team to manage this little boys ever-changing blood sugars.

 This is what a person with an invisible illness looks like.
From the outside you would never know......

You see a perfect little boy with a cherub face... but you don't see the life saving insulin that is being injected by a pump that is attached to his arm or leg, or the Continuous glucose monitor
 that is attached to the other arm or leg, to send continuous blood sugar readings
  to mom and dad's phones.
You see a smiling face... but you don't see the look on his face when his blood sugars are either too high or too low, or when he's sad because he may not be able to eat what everyone else is eating.
You don't see the low blood sugars... the nights his mom and dad hear his alarm and go down to his bedroom to wake him up so he can drink some juice, to get his sugar back up. 
You see someone alive and well... but you don't see all the battles and obstacles he has to overcome to stay alive.... every single day!

We thank God every day for Carson and the amazing boy he is.
Diabetes does not define who Carson is...
 it is always there, it's a nuisance, and it is a challenge, but Carson is bigger than diabetes....
He's happy, strong, brave, smart and a joy in every way. 
He goes about his day just like every other 6 year old, playing with friends, swimming, playing video games, and building lego sets that are well about his age group... did I mention he was smart?

This boy is my hero, my joy....
Can you tell me were making cookies
Type 1 Diabetes doesn't happen overnight...
Something (it's not know what) caused Carson's own body to attack the cells in his pancreas that produce insulin, it's an autoimmune issue, it could have been slowly happening
for some time before he got really sick.

He and Grandpa are like two peas in a pod
Favorite photo of all time!

Did I mention the most important people in Carsons life...
 Carsons's parents are relentless, 
they are an amazing team full of knowledge and love for their son.
They keep Carson safe and healthy and he knows it.

Diabetes is 24/7 ! There are no breaks, no shutting it off, no vacations from it. 
You cant go awhere without planning...
What if the pump fails ( bring extra pods)
Dont forget to bring back-up insulin (has to stay in a cool place)
bring snacks incase his sugar gets low.
Emergency bag with glucagon injection in case he get WAY TO LOW.

Brianna and Chris you are awesome,
Carson (and Audrey) are so lucky to have you as their parents.

Speaking of Audrey....
 She is in this as well and has been a great encourager to Carson.
I'm glad they have each other!

This was one day a few months ago when we had Carson. He is showing that his blood sugar is 100, that's considered a "unicorn" in diabetes lingo. 
Not sure why it's called a "unicorn", but I do know that 100 is a great blood sugar level.
Brianna and Chris have taught us and trusted us with this precious one.
There is so much to learn sooooo much to take into consideration when managing diabetes. 
It can be overwhelming, but he is so worth it!!!

We will continue to learn and support this beautiful family.

A little teaching moment for those who don't know.....
There are two kinds of Diabetes....Carson has Type 1...
Type 1 diabetes is different from Type 2
It's an autoimmune disease, there's nothing that could have been done to prevent it,
 that's what makes it so frustrating..... UGH! 

I continue to pray every day for Carson, that God will watch over him and keep him safe,
 I believe in Miracles, I pray a miracle for Carson, but if that's not Gods will then I will
continue to pray for a cure....  Type 1 Diabetes needs to go away!

I trust that Carson will continue to grow and thrive.
He is an amazing little boy whom is loved by so many!

A reminder that I have etched I'm my heart...
Turn your worry into worship and watch God turn the battles into blessings.


  1. Every single day Carson is shown how a family loves and supports each other....no matter what! You have/are a beautiful family, Jackie. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks for your sweet words Liz :)

  2. Jackie, everything about this post reminds me of why I love and value you and our friendship. You take such a head-on positive approach to this disease Carson is battling. You show incredible strength, faith, courage and love. You express gratitude to Bri and Chris and to God. I think of the words "what if our blessings come in heartache..." I think of your family, especially sweet Carson, and I smile. Love you, my friend!

    1. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words Audrey. This is a hard thing, but God never said life would be easy, but then He did say He'd always be here for us! He has shown up many times for us all during the good and the bad times. We really do see His blessings, somedays they are just harder to find.
