A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Give Thanks for the "not-so-obvious"

I have so many things to be thankful for...
The obvious... and the Not-so-obvious!
Sometimes we have to dig deep for the Not-so-obvious, and then it's like an "Ah-ha moment".
Some times the Not-so-obvious are harder to be thankful for, but I am, it just doesn't really occur to me until I really think about it... sometimes it's being aware of the alternative.

This morning I find myself thinking about the Not-so-obvious things I am thankful for ...

~ Never had a car accident
~ Never had a serious health concern
~ Free to go about my day without having to look over my shoulder
~ Free time... to spend however I want
~Our Carson (with Type 1 Diabetes) is happy, strong, healthy.
 Despite this horrible disease, I will be thankful for all that Carson is,
 despite the struggles his body will always face. He is not defined by diabetes....he's amazing!
~ A Job that I love (almost) everything about.
~ Getting to help aging parents, which lately has been often
~ Thankful that we still have all 4 parents, all in their 80's
~ All 3 children (4 grandkids) live in Minnesota (2 in Rochester)
~ Contentment... I'm thankful for what I have
~ A new perspective on aging (learning a lot while helping with our parents)

Have you thought about the Not-so-obvious things you are thankful for?

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, 
His steadfast love endures forever
psalm 107:1

1 comment:

  1. This is a great exercise in thinking deeper about gratitude. Contentment threaded the theme for the message at my church on Thanksgiving Eve.
