A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Hodge-Podge of things....

Last weekend was full of activity and then it was off to work for 3 days. 
How can it already be a week later??? I'm finally sitting down this morning to recap our week.

Saturday we headed over to the soccer fields to watch our Carson's game. 
That's him in blue kicking the ball

Having a little half-time break on grandpa's lap
 We love being able to watch these little ones in their activities. It won't be long and we'll be hopping in the car to go watch out other littles in the Twin Cities....cant wait.

 Our little gymnast Audrey turned 10 last Friday so we celebrated with her on Saturday.
I really is hard to believe she is 10, why??? They grow up too fast.
Rick and I got her a balance beam so she can practice at home when she's not at the club practicing with her team. The reaction we got from her was perfect....so surprised.
Audrey is beautiful inside and out, she is a lovely soul with a big heart.
 She is curious, smart, artistic, happy, caring, spirited and always moving.

Then to Sunday....Easter
Church in the morning them back home to check on the food as we were expecting 11.
 The dad's (that's mine on the Right)
The kid table, ha ha Uncle Gavin included!
We had a small group this year but as always we enjoyed having family with us.

On to Monday...
The cabin will not be "open" for a couple more weeks but we snuck upnorth to grab our boat and
 take it in for some adjustments before it got too busy at the shop. 
We only spent the night but managed to get a few things done while we were there 
and even visited with a few of the neighbors that stopped by.

When you live amongst many large pine trees there is bound to be endless needless (and leaves).
This giant pile in ONLY from the borders of the yard, cabin and garage. 
We have some work to do yet, but we enjoy it!

The weather was perfect.
 The ice was still on the lake but we had a large section in front of the cabin that had melted, soooooo.....
....of course Rick took advantage it away he went on his Kayak.
 I sat in my chair and watched the loons fish for food. 
Every now and then they would show off with their calls to one another.... sigh!  
I love that these two loons like to hang out in front of our cabin.
I always wonder... who's watching who????

 Little Lewin is JUST LIKE his dad....
We are missing these two, we hope to see them soon, but until then we are happy to talk with them on  video chats, giving close-up screen kisses and listening to their silly voices. 

As I sit sipping on a coffee this morning, Im enjoying the giant snow flakes falling as predicted on this April morning.
Its so pretty, 1-3 inches to come  :)

1 comment:

  1. I love everything about this post from sports photos to lake photos and all your words of family love. And a belated happy 10th birthday to Audrey! She's not really 10 already. No, she can't be.
