A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Mothers Day, a bit out of the ordinary...

 This year was a little different for Mother's Day.
I celebrated with my mom and kids on other days and instead of just one day single day.
 Last week Mom and I did our annual flower shopping.
 I ended up with a haul, mom picked out a hanging basket, 
then we went to lunch together at Hubble House.
We may have to take another trip for flowers, mom wasn't quite sure what she needed.
Thanks for being my mom....love you!

 Then the one who first made me a mom came over with Carson
 and surprised me with this beautiful hanging basket.
 We had a relaxing visit on our deck, 
It doesn't have to be a big event, any time spent with my kids/grandkids
 is a blessing and so appreciated... thanks Brie.

Saturday we traveled to the Twin Cities to hang out with these two!
Sunday morning, (Mother's Day) my oldest son gave me a sweet card and brought me a donut and coffee...Thanks Brice
*it's the little things that matter.

(daughter-in-love, Jen) 
I'm so thankful for these 2 mamma's, 
they both amaze me in the way they love their babies,
 with all the qualities that make them a good mom.
(daughter, Brianna)

My three Loves!
from photo archive
The one one on the left, my youngest called me on Mothers day to wish me a good day...thanks Gavin

I want me kids to know that they are never far from my heart, that I will always treasure every moment we share, but most importantly I will always love them....always!

Rick and I traveled up to the cabin on Mothers Day
Rick took me to dinner at Zorbas, an Up North favorite!
I was greeted at the door with a rose for Mother's Day.

There are a lot of emotions floating around on Mother's Day....

Many of my friends come to mind today as I know they are missing their moms who are no longer on they earth.  I am sorry for your loss as it must feel so near on this day. 
 There are also moms who are struggling with their children, there is heartache and sadness as they try and make sense of it all..... I pray for them often in hopes that God will bring peace to their hearts and they can find joy in knowing that they are loved and prayed for.

1 comment:

  1. Alright, Jackie, now you made me cry, especially when I read your final sentences. I love you, friend.
