A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Busy but a good busy.

Live the Life You've imagined Prayed for.
My cabin Journal
As I recently read the title of my cabin journal I realized that
 I'm living the life I not only imagined but I life I've prayed for! 
A life that is full of blessings yet hardships, happiness yet sorrow, 
a life that is based on faith & trust in Gods Promises.

Rick and I have been busy the last few months, and there have been few blog posts. 
It's a GOOD busy, a busy that we choose.

I thought I'd take a sample of my loves and what we've been up to....
My boy and his boy... these two just make me smile

Rick was able to watch the Rochester grands run in a school fund raiser
Carson giving high fives between laps

Mother's Day visit from my sweet daughter, the one who made me a mom.
She is such a good mamma!

My sweet Daughter-in-love snuggling Lew, he loves his mamma.

Carson (the tall one) listening to his coach/dad during a game break.

Ice cream with Lew
and Scar

This guy (center) Kindergarten program, we got to watch he and his classmates sing.

On to first grade....

My boys, I asked them to send me a photo of their recent camping trip...
Just the two of them. I love that they take time to hang out.

Doing life with this guy... it doesn't get any better.
<3 p="">

My sis and I visited my mom and dad on their 61 wedding anniversary.

Me and my Audrey, being goofy

2 year old photo shoot and family pics for my niece and her family.

Life is busy! 
We never know what tomorrow will bring, so make your days count! 
Life is too short to chase happiness, let happiness come from giving to others and
 spending time with family and friends. Be content & grateful,
 find the blessings in the "everyday". Be kind to those around you,
 you never know what they are going through, 
be nice and taste your words before you spit them out. 
Have faith and hold on to God's promises.

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