As I get older,
I've started to noticing things around me that I didn't think twice about in my younger years.
Life moves along fast and I'm beginning to sit-up and take notice.
This year I'm praying for friends and acquaintances that are feeling down, lonely, scared and sick.
I know one who has had a recent diagnosis that will most likely shorten his life.
Another dear friend who has been hospitalized, back home but still not feeling well.
Another who woke up yesterday with the "crud", and had to cancel Christmas celebrations.
There are several who are missing a loved one at Christmas for the 1st time, and a few others are brought to mind whose parents or child has gone too soon. These are hard times!
Another friend lost her dog this year, I saw so much sorrow....
The list goes on and on.
I am thankful for Jesus and the love he has for all of these sweet people.
I pray this Christmas (and always) that all see Christ's love in their lives and that they have
faith in His plan.
"For my thought are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, " declares the Lord.
Isaiah 55:8
His plans are not ours, so then all we have is a savior that loves us and a lot of faith....
that is enough!
Thank you, dear Jackie, for this introspective and caring post and for thinking of me. I am finally over the crud. I think, as we age, we do begin to see life through a different lens, more a lens of time and of how we need to always be there for one another.