A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Be the light to someone's darkness....

Sometimes we just need to appreciate the blessings that we have. 

These flowers at Tader Joes will bring a smile to anyone's face, and they are cheap!

I'm a little tired of the moaning and complaining about all the
 "could have beens" during this Covid epidemic! 
YES... there are countless disappointments, but life will go on and we should all be able 
to adjust and make good of what it is. 
SEE the good... try not to amplify and encourage the disappointments. 
Be the person who sympathizes but then cheers on the brokenhearted .
Some may say, "well you dont understand"! 
Oh I understand disappointment and unexpected things in life. 

I have a sweet innocent grandson who has to have insulin to live, all because of some stupid autoimmune disease that decided to attack his body. But I look at who he is and how smart and brave he is and it makes me love him all the more for his resilience and bravery...he's just so little.
Our little fire starter.
Instead of dwelling on the pod, full of insulin that got knocked off his thigh last night while running by a metal pole, his mom and dad do what they have to do, back home dad goes to get a new
 insulin-filled pod, while mom cleans up the old site and bandages it. 
We encourage him to try new things, and we give him opportunity!

I have a cousin, (Holly) who just lost her husband to cancer at a young age... I cant even imaging, she is strong and brave... such a beautiful person. She is celebrating him and sharing his 
witness for Jesus every chance she gets.

My granddaughter doesn't get to gratuate from elemantay school, 
or see some of the friends that she adores who will be going to different middle school. 
It doesn't matter if it  5th grade, 12th grade, or kindergarten,
It's hard for all!
 Feelings are not driven by age or grade.
She has the BEST surprise expressions during gift opening.
She was one of the many who have had "Covid-19" birthdays.
By the end of the day she said it was the best birthday of her life, why????
Because so many friends and family did special things for her that she never 
would of had if it were a regular birthday.

So what do we do.... we fill the void with hope of what's to come,
We appreciate life as it is and be grateful, try not to dwell on what should have been, look forward to what will be when this crazy epidemic is over.
I have already seen so many great things!

 We are healthy and alive, we can breath, and see, and love with our hearts even when 
we cant physically be with some of our loved ones.

We can dream, we can pray we can be thankful for life....
I have a lot of time to think and be still.

 I had to get a few groceries at Tader Joe's so I picked up this sweet Hyacinth for $2.99
It's the little things...it makes me smile.

 We have lot's of time to be together, we learned a new card game...he won.

Have I told you how much I love Brussel Sprouts
Trader Joes' to the rescue.

I started a new book... I've been reading more.

 One of my favorite things is to hang out clothes!
Fresh air is good for the soul.

Last night we had a social distancing fire with my daughter and family.
You gotta love s'mores, and being with family. 
I wanted to grab those littles and hug them tight but I resisted and we gave air hugs instead. 

Hoping to have a video chat with our other littles SOON. We havent seen them since the beginning of January... it's hard but I know they are well and healthy so I try not to dwell on what can't be right now. They are growing fast and I'm missing them so much.... soon sweet babes,  soon

These are hard times for EVERYONE.... we all have something that we are missing, but lets try and be the light for those who are having a hard time.
 Life is bigger than circumstances that we have no control over!
 Lets be more understanding, more patient, and compassionate. 
Be the light to someone's darkness.


  1. We had the best birthday zoom call this evening Sydney! All her Aunties and Uncles, cousins were there to sing happy birthday and chat and see each other too! This is the first grandchild birthday we have ever missed, in 6 years .... even with all the miles between us. I'm looking so forward to the end .... which I hear through a Mayo source that time with family is coming! Hooray!!!!


    1. Looks like S has a wonderful B-day! Still hard to not be there though! Audrey said it was her best bithday ever! We have not physically seen Scar and Lew since Christmas :)

  2. Well said, my friend. I wrote on a similar thread today and then read this post several hours later. Now I want to go to a Trader Joe's. Never been. A belated happy birthday to your sweet Audrey!

    1. Ha, I just read your post today too and thought, "we are having the same thoughts" during this hard time. Audrey had such a great birthday, thanks for thinking of her !
