A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, July 24, 2021


A couple of weeks ago we had a significant storm in Rochester!
Strong gusty winds and hail pelted our NW neighborhood.
As I was standing at the front door watching the storm I heard a loud noise,
A second later I was watchingour 33 year old tree topple over right in front of me....yikes

Damage was done to some of the gutters and shingles.
It blocked half of our garage

The local news team even came to my house and interviewed me.

We realized after looking closed at the base of the tree that it had been rotting, 
It was weak and dying.

We have a friend (Denny) who takes trees down, he was quick to offer his help, 
Rick worked alongside Denny, his brother Brad was here for a few hours to help out also.
All cut up the next day, and by the next day everything was hauled away.
It looks so bare in our front yard, no more shade.

What was left of the root
After Denny ground up the root.

We have some more clean up to do. Black dirt need to be hauled in and the area seeded.
We will eventually plant another tree but not in that exact spot.

Looking for suggestions for a fast growing tree that is pretty in the fall and not too messy.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Ready and waiting...

 Every year I call this day...


It's the best storm of the year.... by "Storm", I mean crazy, wild, fun times with our entire family.

Oh it gets busy, like a whirlwind, and it's the best feeling ever to have them all here to make new memories, laugh, swim, eat, play games and eat some more.

Our first group arrives today followed by the rest sometime tomorrow..... can't wait.

We have had 2 days to prepare the cabin for our family, it's not a lot of work but there are some things to be done so we don't have to do anything while they are here.

Work, relax and play... it's all part of being cabin owners on a lake.

I have over 720 views of this beauty on the "That's so Minnesota" facebook page. We love trolling the lake and when we come upon a loon we stop to say hello.

Added a hammock this year, it's lovely!
I imagine this will be a big hit with the grands and big kids, might have to have a sign-up.

Yesterday, Rick and I took a little venture over to Walker (Leach Lake)
 it's only 30 minutes from us.
They have the cutest little light house

We got a Chocolate shake to share and relaxed in the park by the lakes edge.

Our neighbor across the bay, (Karla and Ben) stopped by for a Dock Chat
Thanks for stopping by guys.

9 + Rick and I = 11    Yay! cant wait, hurry up guys

Our little sandy beach is all groomed and ready for the grandkids. 

More to come as our week unfolds with the sweet family.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Welcoming friends/family to the cabin

Rick and I enjoy hosting friends at the cabin! 
Sometimes because of crazy schedules and timing things can get busy, 
but we find that it's not a lot of work, because our friends and family make it easy, 
they all chip in and help with meals and cleanup. 
There is plenty of visiting and making new memories...which is good

I have a Cabin Journal, it's fun to write down my thoughts! 
Included are many blessings, joys, good times but then there are some things we wish 
had never happened (Carson's diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes) 
I keep track of visits, things we do, purchases, events and pretty much anything I think is important to remember.

This week was a busy one with thee different groups of friends and family.
First came the Wadum's & Godsey's 
We go wayyyyy back with these dear friends.

The guys chattin' it up.
Rick, Jim and Ken
Lots of boat rides. Rick likes to talk and drive at the same time  :)

I think Ken could just sit and look at the lake all day!

I love these ladies, friends Valerie and Linda

Morning coffee, all ready for the troops

In-between guests Rick and I relaxed in the lake
he's always diving off the end of the dock!

Next came Brad and Julie, Rick's brother and his wife.
We love having them!
Just hangin'

Caught my first bass off the dock for this year....Finally!

Next Came Rick Uncle Wayne and Aunt JoAnne form Arizona
We spent a 1 1/2 days with them then left to go back to Rochester for the 4th celebrations.
Wayne and JoAnne get to stay the whole week. It will be nice for them to get a little R&R.
This guy has been catching bass off the dock and sharing photo's, he's making me jealous.
Wayne can you leave your lure, or at least leave a few fish in the lake for me.

Next week we look forward to having our kids and grandkids with us at the cabin. 
It will be busy again, but oh our hearts with be full! 
Cant wait.