A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Ready and waiting...

 Every year I call this day...


It's the best storm of the year.... by "Storm", I mean crazy, wild, fun times with our entire family.

Oh it gets busy, like a whirlwind, and it's the best feeling ever to have them all here to make new memories, laugh, swim, eat, play games and eat some more.

Our first group arrives today followed by the rest sometime tomorrow..... can't wait.

We have had 2 days to prepare the cabin for our family, it's not a lot of work but there are some things to be done so we don't have to do anything while they are here.

Work, relax and play... it's all part of being cabin owners on a lake.

I have over 720 views of this beauty on the "That's so Minnesota" facebook page. We love trolling the lake and when we come upon a loon we stop to say hello.

Added a hammock this year, it's lovely!
I imagine this will be a big hit with the grands and big kids, might have to have a sign-up.

Yesterday, Rick and I took a little venture over to Walker (Leach Lake)
 it's only 30 minutes from us.
They have the cutest little light house

We got a Chocolate shake to share and relaxed in the park by the lakes edge.

Our neighbor across the bay, (Karla and Ben) stopped by for a Dock Chat
Thanks for stopping by guys.

9 + Rick and I = 11    Yay! cant wait, hurry up guys

Our little sandy beach is all groomed and ready for the grandkids. 

More to come as our week unfolds with the sweet family.

1 comment:

  1. That loon photo is incredible. I can see why it's scored lots of views. But I also love the "sleepy" pic as it encompasses love in a image.

    Have a wonderful time with your family! We just returned from the cabin, where our eldest and her family joined us. We didn't want to return home.
