A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, May 22, 2006

It's like "getting high"

My Laundry, there is nothing better than hanging laundry out on a summer day that is about 66 degrees with a light breeze and the smell of fresh cut grass all around me. Oh man, there is no drug that could ever take the place of that feeling. I get "HIGH" on it.
OK now you all think i'm whacked out. Posted by Picasa


  1. silly girl! I love the smell of fresh cut grass too! P.s. I'm happy someone updated!

  2. I don't guess!!!! I know!!!!

  3. What a glorious picture! I think it would make a cute card! Maybe even photo shop it? Will you share your photos with me so I can make cards?

    THIS picture screams SUMMER!
