A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Piles and Piles

It's Saturday and it's hot. I got the air conditioner running so it feel lovely in the house. Things are all good at the homestead. Brianna has been busy as a beaver all stinking week going through all her stuff, organizing and throwing away. She has created quite a pile of clothes and other rnadom things, so we have decided to have a rummage sale on June 24th. The living room is pretty much occupied with her stuff, I think it will be staying there until the Sale. The hallway is also clogged up with huge storage boxes and a supply of "crayola" crayons & colored pencils. The picture below shows a sad faced brianna as she has come to grips with realizing she must toss her
"Park Rapids" hoodie that she got when she was about 7.
Last week Brianna and Chris brought Laura over to Rochester to try on dresses for the wedding (Laura is a junior attendant)
In the picture below Laura is a little bored and decided to lay down and take a rest. She's a silly girl for sure :)
Just a sampling of Brianna's treasures for the garage sale.
I would like to take a little nap now, but I wont.... I should be folding clothes


  1. Heehee, thanks for putting up with all my crapola. It soon shall be gone!!!

  2. I personally don't think Brianna should have to part with the Park Rapids shirt yet. That is a TREASURE. Jackie, I think you should rescue it.

  3. Why should Brie get rid of stuff? Jodi still has a bunch of her school and kid stuff and she is old.

  4. HAHAHAHA,,OH SNAP GRAN! Poor Odi. Brie...i really should do the same, but if there was time for me to go through all of my things, i think i would. maybe. And i certainly wouldn't part with the sweatshirt...kids are less than 5 years out for you..don't you want your kid to wear that someday? IT'S AN ANTIQUE!!!

  5. The sweartshirt is ripped people.

  6. I'm getting rid of my Loser shirt as a hint that Kelsey should buy it!

  7. oh dear...i thnk that a little needle and thread could fix the sweatshirt Brie...nothing a little sewing couldn't fix. priceless piece of clothing and you're willing to just toss it. rediculous!
