A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Anyone need $10.00 ??

I havent seen it , but apparently there is a creature in our basement about the same size as this picture, It move so fast that it's uncatchable and I have put a $10.00 bounty on it's head. I am physically sickened by the thought that this grotesque thing is lurking in my home. YUCK. I'm hoping that when Brice comes home from the cities today he will desperately need the $10.00 and begin the hunt. (God help us ) Posted by Picasa


  1. He is cute. pour little bug. $10.00 on his head.

  2. Anonymous11:05 PM

    EWWWW I HATE BUGS!!! just curious though as to how you know is exists if you didn't see it... did someone else???

  3. oh gosh...i'm crying just looking at that thing. OH GOD!!!! not ok...NOT OK!

  4. Danae, we did see it! TWICE!!!

  5. Did you catch the thing yet?
