A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, June 2, 2006


Welcome home Mom
You done good, We're proud of you.
Now take it easy and dont forget to tip the help :)


  1. It's about time you give us a muuuuch nicer picture to look at then the one below! Seriously Jackie! I almost puked when I saw the bug! I hope you got that critter! Mary looks Maaaarvelous! She's a real trooper...but then who wouldn't be after raising four kids with a Norwegian Husband! Ha! Once again...thanks for your help with it all! Yur kinda a trooper too!

  2. Wow! gran looks beautiful like always! Way to go! I'm glad you were there with her AJ..thanks for being such an awesome Auntie! yay for a successful visit to the Hospital!

  3. Good job. I hear the staff was "ooing and ahhing" over how well you did. That's my gran! I'm so glad you're back home!
