A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, June 9, 2006

DO A LITTLE DANCE....Get down tonight.

I think I have a problem....I cant seem to blog without including a picture. Oh well the pictures mean something to me and it's my blog so I can do what I want to......right.
So brice was showing me a new little dance he made up today, He has the music playing and he's got some choreographed moves going on here. Actually it would have been better to see in video form. Oh Brice you are simply too funny.
What a change in the weather today, WOW it's like freezing tonight, I cant wait to sleep with the windows open, I'm gonna have to get the extra blankets on the bed again...Cozy :)
It was a perfect day for baking! I got to bake 16 dozen cookies and two large batches of brownies for my friend Cheri. She's throwing a big bash tomorrow for her son's graduation. ( I'll pray for good weather Cheri, but it'll be great no matter what)
Yay for Nate, congratulations.....you did it :)
I think I will go to bed now and do some reading and get all cozy, and just relax......Ahhhh my favorite part of the day. G'night my friends


  1. That is just the way Brice acts when he sees me. He's saying comon Granny lets dance.

  2. You are too funny for words, Brice! Ha Ha! Next time I take ballroom dance lessons I'll know who my partner is!

  3. yeh, the dance is a lil' on the creepy side...eeeee

  4. HAHA. Dance moves. I'm sure it was hilarious!
    I hope you stayed warm tonight!

  5. i really hope that's not the "Jesse" dance...i will barf! and i have a feeling it is the jesse dance...HOW COULD YOU!

  6. Jackie...you are da bomb making all those yummy cookies and brownies for me!!! Amazingly..they are all devoured...Everyone loved the goodies....THANK YOU SO MUCH

  7. MEGAN, it is the jesse dance.
