A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Gavin's 1st day of summer vacation......What does a guy do????

Well a little update is probably in order...i guess
Yesterday morning brie and I went out to visit my mom. She is recovering from surgery and is doing marvalous. We took a little ride to the cemetary in Stewartville, mom needed to get out of the house.
Today was the 1st day of summer vacation for Gavin and I had plenty planned for him....none of it was fun. 1st it was the dentist, 2 cavities :( , then it was the orthodontist, then a haircut. He somehow got through it all with only minor protesting.
Brianna and I went shopping tonight and she got some much needed clothing, so that was fun.
My house is a "pig hole" at the moment, Brice worked on cleaning his room all day, but there is stuff all over that he doesnt know what to do with, Brianna has loads of stuff in the living room and I'm getting sick of Gavin's drum set in the living room. BLAHHhhhh Gavin needs to somehow get his drums back in his own room, it'll be cramped but to bad for him, I'm tired of looking at them. Humph
I loaded the dish washer tonight and still have a sink full of dishes.... what's a women to do
Tomorrow I work at 10:00...Dont wanna !!!!!
Ok that's enough of my whining, I gotta go fold a million,trillion,quadrillion, hundred socks, tee-shirts and underwear. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
On a uplifting note I close this grumpy Blog entry.....


  1. Get them kids busy. You know they don't help with anything. Brice get out of bed.

  2. personally, I love living in a pig hole, it gives me an appreciation for what pigs must feel like. Being that animals have feelings similar to humans, wink wink

  3. Make the kids do their own laundry!! (my kids do!) Sure saves me a lot of time....or is it Rick generating all the laundry???
