A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Not much to say....

I cannot stand this hot and humid weather!!! I want it to be fall and then Winter (in that order). Tomorrow will be worse as i understand it, so I shall wither and die.
I guess there was a storm last night, do you know how much I love storms????? I'm very upset that I missed it. I guess that means that I was sleeping hard, which i hadn't done for 2 nights. So I guess it's all good. I will wish for another storm tonight, and Hope I can enjoy it.
Brice is babysitting a tent in the cities, and will be paid well for it, I havent heard from him yet, I wonder....did the storm take him away, or maybe some bandits....argh I hope he is ok.
OH BIG NEWS, Mr. Christopher was instramental in lining up a job for Brice at Culv's. Yes as it is right now, Brice is the newest "bun man" in the kitchen at Culver's. Butter them buns, bricey !
Gavin's teeth hurt from and adjustment in his braces, so he's moping around. Looks kinda pathetic, and is "BORED"
Brianna is hanging out, she works her first weekend, oh how fun can that be.
I had "coffee" with my friend Julie W. this morning, then met mom for some party shoppin, then came home to cut up lots of party foods, then rested a bit and watched Dr. Phil (stupid Topic), so I quit watching and swept the kitchen floor and hung out with gavin.
Just waiting for Rick to arrive home from the golf tour thingy at Byron. He must be enjoying himself, cuz he aint coming home........ Later dawgs.


  1. I dont wanna work, you should do it for me!

  2. You will have to wrap a bandanna around your head so you won't drip sweat on anything. later dawg.

  3. HA!! Our families mind as well own culver's by now. we probably make up at LEAST 1/12th of the payroll... ok probably not even that much... but there still are a lot of "chesapeake ln" families workin at culver's or have worked!

  4. nate, I'm glad to see that you have stuck with the name, it makes me proud :), yes Nate, one day we will have everyone working at Culver's sooner or later.
