A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

an update

HEY you alls, Just got home awhile ago from a long hard day of work. Lets just say...."MY FEET HURT"!!! I really dont think I can be a nurse till I'm 65 and that's how long I gotta work if I want my full retirement . BLAH....plus I think the health insurance is better when your employeed vs medicare..... argh, what Am I talking about this for? I really dont care, I just had a tough day and my feet hurt.
I'm desperatley missing my dear husband and Brice. They have been in the boundry waters since last sunday, not sure what day they will be home, but most likely Friday or Saturday. Cant wait to hear their stories. Hopefully the fire didnt get them.
Tomorrow I think I will wash all the bedding and do nothing else. Maybe I will water the front yard and plant my flower i bought 2 days ago.
Gavin just shouted, "Dad's home" from his chair while playing football on his Play station....That was wierd, Dad is not home and Gavin didnt have any clue I was blogging about is dad. creepy.
Well I havent seem Brianna all day so I better go bond with her before it's time for bed again.
Oh and 1 more thing, I called my dad tonight to wish him luck and to say good bye to him before he leaves for NORWAY tomorrow, only to find out from my mom that he left yesterday..OOPS


  1. Minus big points.

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    First time on the site. Wow. I am sorry that I missed all of this! Greg job Jackie. Can you be my photographer? I also wanted to personally thank Rick for golfing with me, even though it was a painful experience (for him, probably :) ). Newly pregnant and hormones raging!

  3. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Whoops, I meant to say, "Great job, Jackie," not "Greg job." Yep, I'm a little "off" these days.

  4. Thanks for bonding with me mom :)
