A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, September 1, 2006

MY week in a flash....
I can remember back as far as Wednesday and that's it. Too much for my brain to remember everything. Wednesday morning I spent 3 hours with my dear friend Cozy, The time just flys when we get together, We had Good coffee and Great conversation. Thanks Coz :)
Wednesday night, I attended a meeting at church about the Youth group, We have a new Youth minister,so it'll be exciting to see how great this fall will be for the kids at church....cant wait.
Thursday I met my mom and we shopped at Bed bath and beyond. We had fun finding things for Brianna's shower. Then we had lunch at Perkins, Mom pigged out on a 1/2C soup and a piece of Cantalope.(take it easy would you mom). Thursday night we got to go watch Gavin #66 play for the Century 10 th grade football team. They played real well but lost by a touchdown. Gavin was in on quite a few tackles and played most of the game, He's an animal out there. Rick hasnt been feeling well the last 3 days, so The kids and I went to "West Fire" after the game and bonded. We wished Rick could have been there, but the smell of food was not appealing to him. Poor guy
Oh and fun news....Brianna and Chris "closed" on their town home yesterday, so now they are proud owners. It's a beautiful place, very clean and well taken care of. They will do a great job of making it "their own". They have some time before the wedding to get it freshly painted and all ready for when they return from their honeymoon. YIP
Today We all went to ge the guys fitted for their tux's. It didnt take long, they will all be so handsome.
Not sure what tonight will bring, Brice is busily packing for his move back to school. He starts back on Sept. 6th. Tomorrow we are heading up with him to his new place, then we will meet jenny and we'll go out for dinner. It will be fun. I will miss Brice so much and hope I dont cry as bad as last year, "who will make me laugh?"
Check out the pictures below
The entryway to the new townhouse, behind them is the stairway to the upstairs. (2 bedrooms and a bathroom)


  1. Yea so many exciting things! I wish my computer wasn't so pixely! i can't see the pictures that well but what i can see they are way cute!


  3. Yay! I want one! :)
