A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, September 4, 2006

Sunday and Monday

Whew....what a weekend. You will all be bored with my endless blogging about Brianna and Chris's Townhouse, but guess what.....get used to it, the next few months of my life will include alot of involvement in their lives, helping with painting, cleaning ect. not to mention the wedding and continued plans, oh it's all gettting so close. It's an exciting time and we are having fun :)
Sunday afternoon Rick, brianna and I spent time at the townhouse, cleaning, pulling wallpaper off, taping prep work for painting. Brianna had some visitors, My mom and dad came over to check out the new place, and Heather and Eric popped in for a bit. Today we spent all day painting, lining cupboards, cleaning. Brianna's lovely cousins Jill and Kellie came over and cleaned like wild women...thanks guys. Brianna and Chris trimmed out their bedroom and Rick rolled the paint on, its so pretty, you will have to come see.
Brianna tearing off a boarder in the bathroom downstairs

Rick put Chris in the Closet, it's all nice and cozy in there.

(Heather and Eric) Brianna is making the table top spotless for her guests and Eric is hand feeding Heather a coke.

Kellie and Jill doing their thing. The windows have never been cleaner.
Tonight Rick and I took Gavin out to dinner, It's his last night of freedom before the big 1st day of school tomorrw. We dined at Friday's and it was delicious
Brice called...I miss him :(


  1. All work and no play make family tired.

  2. all in a good day's work, I really didn't do that much, just a lil' closet, that's all I get, nobody trusts me with anything that anybody can see, including myself :) painting is kinda crazy, really intense for me, I feel at any moment I could totally mess up the whole room, whew, I'm sweating just thinking of it, jk.

  3. Looks good. Cleaning does a place good...hmmmmm my room COULD look really nice right now...

  4. I feel kinda bad that we didnt stay to help with something, but Eric and I tested out the table and chairs to make sure they were safe.

  5. Oh fun!!! I wish i could help! It makes me sad to be so far away! Tear! But it looks/sounds like you got things undercontrol! props to brice for calling already!!!

  6. Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda, helped you out Brianna and Chris! I woulda loved to help. Just ask...
