A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A nap would be good...if only i could

Oh I really dont have anything that exciting to say except that I'm tired and want to have a nap. It's just that I dont really do naps, they just really never happen for me. I guess I'm tired because I went to sleep really late last night. Rick and I got a wild hair to go up to the cities to watch my nephew Sam play football. WAY TO GO SAM. The game wasnt until 7:45 so we didnt leave from there until 9:15.
We drove over to Brice's place, picked up Brice and Jenny and went to Perkins since none of us had supper yet (except Jenny). We had fun talking and catching up on what the kids have been up to. Brice is a busy boy at college and is learning lots of cool neat-o stuff. He told us about some of it. He loves where he lives and gets along great with his roomies. Gill is 22 and a french chef at some restraunt in St paul and John is 29 and persuing his master degree in music at Northwestern college. Jenny is busy working, she's a great massage therapist and Brice gets to have all the benefits from that. "LUCKY", (in Kips voice)
We got home at 1:00am and I didnt go to sleep till sometime after 2:00 Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Then i was up at 6:50 to take Gav man to school. Ahhhhhhhhhhh groan.
My lil' sweetie took me out for lunch, we split a club sandwich and it was splendid. We did some chatting and then I took him back to work.
Brianna and I then went to Best buy to get her a whatcha-ma-call-it (some kind of thing that you stick into the computer and it saves stuff onto it so you can take it and hook it up to another puter and save it into there ) anywho then we went to Brie and Chris's place and cleaned up the place a bit..... Painting is finally all done WHoooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooo. The place is awesome and a great first home for the 2 of them. Eeeep
Well then Brianna got a random call on her cell phone.....it was my cell phone calling her. Apparently my phone fell out of my purse in the parking lot at Best buy and was driven over. A man picked it up and pushed the talk button and it happened to ring Brianna's phone. The screen is unreadable but the phone still works. Mannnnnnnnnn now what am i gonna do?
OK....seems like I've been typing forever, I'm still tired and I gotta go pick up the stinky football boys from practice. The next 3 days of my life I work. Blah I hate to wish my days away but I cant wait till the next 3 days are over.
My dryer just shut off so I guess that mean go put in another of the million loads left to do.
I think i need a nap.


  1. Anonymous8:01 PM

    muhaha! i totally have one of those what-chyou-mah-call-its!!

  2. you are so funny, jackie; i just love you and your blog, hee hee.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Take two Asprin and call me in the morning.

  5. Naps rule, you should totally try them out again.

  6. I actually love naps, but I find them very hard to wake up afterwards though, so it's always an adventure for me, but whatev

  7. I can't do naps either...I think "WE WOMEN" just have a hard time shuttin' down the brain to do it. I can't believe Rick stayed up that late...that is amazing. I'd never get my Rick to do that! You never said if Sam's team won their game?

  8. I LOVE NAPS.....I finally told myself after years of not being able to sleep that just laying down and resting is better than nothing...then bam....I fell asleep! Now I can nap anytime!
    Chris...you have to limit them to 20-30 minutes to avoid the nap hangover!
