A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Seems like I'm simply unable to "Blog" without having a picture present. I took this one last fall in Peterson MN. Kinda random, but I like it.

It's been a whole 4 days since I've blogged, i suppose that's a record :)
Nothing too exciting going on, I have a miserable cold in which my nose is plugged and my throat hurts. It's the kind of plugged nose that you cant blow or sniff, but stuff comes dripping out of it anyway(uncontrolably). I just love that. Oh and did i mention the cough. Blah
Yesterday Brianna and I got a few things accomplished for the wedding. We are getting things checked off, so thats good.... YIP YIP
Lets see.... I worked at minus a million o'clock this morning (5:45am). But it was really a lovely. Then after work I raced over to Gavin's FB game, he had an awesome game! In on alot of tackles..... He's a monster. Century beat up on JM so that was sweet. We had a nice little crowd there watching the gav man, including G&G Erickson, Uncle Brad, Brianna and us. Whoop
After the game we went to Culver's with grandpa and Grandma. Christopher took our order, I was unable to Think or make any intelligent decisions, so Chris pretty much ordered for me. It was good Chris thanks....man what a space cadet I am.
I'm thinking I should get ready for bed early and sleep. I work again tomorrow and dont dare call in sick, Nurses arent allowed to be sick, cuz sick nurses = short staffed unit and overworked co-workers which = burnout. HUMPHHHHHH
OK then, I'm done rambling for now.


  1. I think it is one of the many animals-birds that have hit my window's and left their brains all over the window.

  2. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Kels you are a funny one....Mom, you are sick.
