A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My arms hurt

I have nothing of great importance to write about but it's not my mama's birthday anymore so I thought I should atleast do a small update. Lets see..... I have 2 very sore and achy arms. So I
could whine about that.

Yesterday I got shots. A DPT and Flu shot one in each arm. I have always been sensitive to the Tetnus shot, I usually react with alot of pain redness and hard red area. I cant complain too much, my arm only has about a golfball size lump on it unlike the normal softball size lump, but it still hurts. I whined and pouted at work today, but got no sympathy. Someone told me to go take some tylenol, so I did, that seemed to help for awhile. ~ I'm kinda whiney about my 3 day work week this week, ya know it's all about what your used to.... Two days is my limit, so back off. ~ My boss asked me yesterday if I would consider working one more day a week starting in January to help "staff" our new outpatient unit.....I have to think about that. Actually that one extra shift would just about pay Brice's rent for a month. That could come in handy. I might have to do that, afterall it is winter, what else is there to do? I cant believe I just said that. ~ It hurts to type, I must go for now and take a warm shower, then take some Tylenol.


  1. Pour Jackie. kiss kiss for your owies. There that is better than pills. A mothers kisses work wonders.

  2. wow! What a price to pay for not getting sick! I should get one of those! HOpe your arm stopped hurting!

  3. I got a flu shot a couple weeks ago and it hurt a little for like a day, but thats it. No bruise either. Hopefully this year I wont get every sickness the kids have. I hope your arm is better!

  4. Poor mama. You'll get better and you only have one day left of your work week, so that's good! I got the flu shot at work on Tues, and it's sore, but no redness or swolleness, guess I lucked out. I wasn't gonna get it, but my nurse manager said I should, so I did.
