A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Nitrates seems to be the culpret

So Gavin went to bed Sunday night with a bad headache (most likely a migraine) could not go to school, layed around all day taking drugs to try and combat the dreadful pain and then preceeded to bed again Monday night with the same headache. Was able to go to school Tueday, came home fine. Tuesday night (last night) AGAIN....went to bed with a migraine. Here's my thoughts, "you gotta be kidding me", so I get on the computer and I research food triggers for Migraines. and i see this... Processed meats like hot dogs, bacon, pepperoni and other meats that are cured with nitrites.

Sunday night Gavin had a grilled fancy beef hotdog, and last night he ate a whole bag of Party wieners with BBQ sauce. OK, both of these are loaded with Nitrates A big trigger of Migraines. I guess I never thought about food triggers with gavin, but these two back to back migraines made me think. I dont think he's ever had 2 migraines that close together and I dont think I 've ever feed him hot dogs so close together. He wanted the hot dogs, I didnt force feed them to him. So I guess we should stay away from those meats with Nitrates. I dont know, maybe it's not the hotdogs, maybe its coincidence. Bahhhhhh No more hot dogs for gavin. This is a sad thing for Gavin, he will surely mourn the hot dogs. I think we will have to check the theory out in a few weeks, and give it another try. It's such a mystery. Enough about the hotdogs.

Last night Rick and I went to the movie "The Prestige", it was a good movie, but kinda wierd, Just alot of freaky stuff, a thinker movie....i dont always care to think when I'm at a movie. Some will disagree with me but I dont like Christian Bale or Hugh Jackman, they are the main character's in the movie...i still liked the movie.

I hope you all enjoy this beautiful day, oh my goodness 70 degrees, I should take advantage and wash my sheets and hang them out, so they can be all fresh and stuff


  1. mmmm....C. Bale. Yummy yum!

  2. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Golly, I haven't been on the site in a while. I just wanted to say what a wonderful, super, exciting, etc... wedding Brianna and Chris had. It makes me think back to the joy that Greg and I experienced with becoming husband and wife. Jackie, you and Rick were terrific hosts of the event. Lotsa fun. Hope Gavin gets better with his migraines. I think I am going to watch "The Office" now...netflix sent us season 2.

  3. Poor Gavin, his love for hot dizzles have doomed him. Maybe he should try soy hot dogs, hahaha, sick, sorry should not have said that, okay, get well soon brotha.
