A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Some one get the wet/dry Vac.

Hey folk, Well it's been a few days since I last updated and I'm tired of looking at my bedroom "before and after pictures". I spent a little time updating my blog profile and layout this morning. I was inspired be Brianna to upgrade to the new blogger thingy, so I hope you enjoy it.
This week has been a good one, I cant complain too much, but I can always think of something that bugged me like that fact that i had to workover time on both Tuesday and Thursday. Grrrrrrrrrrr, Nursing can be a grueling profession in every aspect of my being, so when I've put in my 10.5 hours I'm ready to collapse, mentally, physically and emotionally. I have to say it is rewarding...Yesterday was a good day, I know I made a difference :)
Wednesday I went shopping with mom, we got quite a bit done. We took a break and had Lunch with Brianna and then all of us finished up at Walmart.
Thursday I worked and then went to "Girls night"with Brianna, at my friend Cheri's house. We meet every Thursday, just a bunch of girls, we giggle alot and share in some deep dark secrets, things that you wouldnt disclose to just anyone, only the closest of friends know these intimate details concerning our lives....Hee Hee. Last night we had some great laughs, almost too good (someone get the wet/dry vac) Cheri's daughter, Cara(Brianna's Maid of Honor) arrived home safe from college for her winter break, great to see you Cara. Her an Brianna lasted about 10 minutes with us "MOMS" and then they were gone, off to hang by themselves and catch up on 1.5 months separation :)
Today I will try and clean this house and start the Christmas decorating (Late start for me). My Friend Diane is taking me out for a belated Birthday lunch so that will be a nice break from cleaning. I will have to post pictures of my Christmas decorating as soon as it's finished. Hope you all have a great weekend.


  1. We had a fun day shopping and eating.

  2. I want to know what a wet/dry vac is. heehee
