A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas day at Grandpa and Gran Ericksons

So after our morning festivities we packed it up and headed to my mom & dad's house for the big Erickson gathering...Everyone was there. (all 21 of us and later my cousin and her family which adds 4 more) We had a great time as always. Mom put on a feast of Turkey and all the stuff that goes with it. We really never stopped eating. The grandkids are in the picture below.

Far left: Jamey my oldest nephew and his fiance Kate (yellow). Back row: Megan, (Jamey's sister), Gavin, Brice. Sam (sitting on Gavin's lap in middle),Front: Alexandra with Grant in her lap, Jensen(in Brianna's lap) and Chris.

My Brother Randy's kids, Alexandra and Grant

Mom and Dad

Nephew Jamey and fiance kate.

Jensen, just being cute.

Sam, tackling his pile of presents

The "kid table" minus Alexandra cuz she leaned way back in her chair when
I snapped the picture.

Dad bringing the cookie tray around....like we really needed cookies after that meal.

Chris playing with the young-uns.
After our big day we all traveled back to our house to hang out. Jennifer came over
for a brief visit, so we all sat in the living room and chatted.

It was a l-o-n-g day....everyone was tired but there was one of us that was especially sleep deprived from working overnights right before Christmas eve.
Sleeping soundly Christmas night.
We have the "Hemmer Christmas" on Saturday, so there will be another Christmas update, like it or not......


  1. I was so sleepy, cuz I just had so much fun :) Great update mom, you organize it so well :)
