A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas morning

Here's what I found Christmas morning....Brice eating sausage, cheese and crackers while watching "Its a wonderful life". He's such a silly boy and just makes me giggle. After a bit I woke gavin up so we could open gifts.
The boys trying to figure out whose gift this is???
Brianna and Chris got here shortly after we finished gifts, so then we had round 2......

Here we all are, I just love my family, I feel so blessed that we can all be together on Christmas. After gifts I whipped up some French toast and sausage patties and we had a breakfast feast.

Keep reading...... More Christmas fun below.


  1. Only Brice. He must have a cast-iron gut to be eating that stuff early in the morning.

  2. that was the best morning ever :)

  3. Great pic of you all! I would expect nothing less of Brice!
